
develop a comprehensive and well-researched case study for Coca Cola in Spain

Overview/Description of Company, Country/Region & Products/Services: This section should include an overview of the companys nature of business, regional office(s) locations within specified region, product/service offerings, sales revenues, identification of the International Marketing Task elements, international marketing stage(s); and trade barrier issues and opportunities.
Evaluating Global Cultural Environment: This section should include a presentation on your region’s geography, political & legal environments, technology, social institutions, cultural values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and cultural sensitivity and tolerance, company’s management style, and business ethics.
Assessing Global Market Opportunities: This section should include more in-depth presentation on the following: 1) economic and demographic; 2) cultural, sociological, and political climate; 3) overview of market condition; 4) summary of the technological environments; 5) competitive situation. Quantitative analysis should be presented where applicable.
Developing Global Marketing Strategies This section should include the companys objectives and resources, market entry strategy/strategies, strategic alliances, labeling & packaging adaptations, marketplace barriers, marketing channels, product/service pricing strategies, and integrated marketing communications (IMC) for products/services within the region.
Implementing Global Marketing Strategies: This section should include a presentation on how products/services are being offered among your region’s cultural stereotypes, communication behavior and negotiation behavior.

APA format required
At least 15 pages in length (not including title, table of contents, and reference pages)
8-10 sources listed on a reference page (Wikipedia and blogs are NOT acceptable sources)
In-text citations used where applicable.
Charts/graphs should be used sparingly to display data and invite further exploration of a topic. Charts/graphs are not part of the total page count.