
It is a problem/ solution style research paper for my topic, college is too expensive.
and follow this rubric outline:
Main Title and Subtitle (center; use colon to separate the two): _________________________________

Introductory Paragraph: What do you need here to establish the rhetorical situation to set up thesis?

Thesis Statement (one underlined or highlighted sentence): __________________________________.

Note: Thesis = Subject + Assertion + Premise

Body para. 1) State why your topic is a serious problem.

Subpoint A
Subpoint B
Body para. 2) State previous solutions attempted; State the best/most feasible solution.

Subpoint A (past solution)
Subpoint B (past solution)
Subpoint C (best solution — your solution!)
Body para. 3) Establish criteria for your solution (e.g., money, time, people, technology?)

Subpoint A
Subpoint B
Subpoint C
Body para. 4) Demonstrate your solution will work: Implementation?

Subpoint A
Subpoint B
Body para. 5) Demonstrate benefits of your solution: Who will benefit from solution?

Subpoint A
Subpoint B
Body para. 6) Demonstrate your solution’s pitfalls: Counterclaim and rebuttal?

Subpoint A
Subpoint B
Concluding Statement (*call to action): _______________________________.
Your essay must have:

More information:

Essay must include topic outline (NOT included in word count).
Main tile and subtitle of essay must reflect the thesis, and both are grammatically and mechanically presented correctly. 
Essay is presented in third person grammatical point of view and utilizes formal mechanics.
Introduction clearly establishes the rhetorical situation for the reader. that leads the reader the reader to an underlined thesis.
A clearly defined and documented problem to be solved is then presented, one that expresses kairos and exigency.
A nod to past solutions with a convincing argument in support of the solution is then presented.
Evidence/support documented in MLA must be provided with clear explications in all paragraphs.
The benefits of the solution are clearly articulated and strongly worded with evidence.
An anticipation of readers objections and questionscounterargument(s). It is important in this assignment that you address your opposition. At some point in the paper (see outline), you need to acknowledge your opposition and deal with opposition points. You can choose to either completely refute an opposition point, or you can choose to concede that the oppositions point is of some value. You may find that you do both of these things at the same time. When you include a counter argument, you must make it clear that the other sides viewpoint is not your viewpoint and you must always refute or concede!
Evidence to back up your ideas:

You will be conducting research to find statistics, facts, quotes from experts, and studies. THIS IS A COLLEGE-LEVEL RESEARCH PAPER! You should also conduct an interview if its a possibility for your topic. Hypothetical examples, anecdotes, and personal experience can also be used in this paper, albeit sparingly. Again, it’s a college research paper, not a personal life experience paper. Make sure your anecdotal references count. You will need to use evidence to define your problem/solution, as well as it’s implementation and potential impact.
You will also need evidence to support the validity of your proposed solution, yet establish the premise of the problem. A bulk of your research will be used to show your solution is best (see outline), but every body paragraph should have research in it, even your opponent’s point of view (eg, counter claim). You must use a minimum of five credible source as per instructions. Research sources can include magazines, books, credible internet web sites, scholarly journals, articles from NC Live and interviews. You will use MLA documentation to give credit to your sources through various quotation integration techniques that are cited with in-text citations and a Works Cited page.
Please review the grading policies in the syllabus for college-level writing expectations. As with your previous essays, please write this essay in an academic voice: avoid the words “you” and “your” and if you use the word “I” make sure it is in connection with a personal example. Do not announce your writing with phrases like “I think,” “I feel,” or “I believe.” Last, avoid contractions and other informal syntax, words, and phrases. Remember: this is a college-level research paper, so you want it to sound and read like one!
All final submissions must be in doc or docx format (i.e., Word document).
Final essay must include an alpha-numeric topic outline (see sample).
NOTE: Final essay’s word count does NOT include outline nor Works Cited entries.