
Write a typed paragraph of 250 words or more that identifies and discusses one way in which the novel Wieland characterizes/defines/describes/represents American culture. Your paragraph should identify the title, Wieland; or, the Transformation, and author, Charles Brockden Brown.

The Biweekly Writings are opportunities for you to develop claims of your own about the assigned readings. You should not do outside research to formulate claims. You do not need to develop a thesis on the literature, but you should offer your own clear interpretation of specific examples in at least one of the assigned texts. You may summarize, paraphrase, and/or quote specific examples. You can build on one or more Biweekly Writing in your Essay for this course.

Save each Biweekly Writing in a MS Word or PDF file. Format the Biweekly Writing in MLA style: include a heading, a header, a centered title, and a first-line indented paragraph. Rather than title the assignment Biweekly Writing, come up with a concise and catchy title of your own that reflects the focus of your paragraph. You do not need to include a Works Cited page.