
SPSS and Descriptive Statistics (50pts)This project is design to familiarize you with the utility and value of data entry analysis and interpretation usingSPSS. Projects are to be worked on and completed by the student individually; you may use your textbook andlecture notes. Provide an answer cover sheet indicating your final answers and the page number in yourdocument for which the work for those answers can be found. Submit your project as one electronic documentto the appropriate SPSS Project link. Completed projects are due on the date listed in the course schedule. Thereare two main components of this project:1) Hand Calculations : Remember to show all your work (including formulas) and clearly denote answersby circling or placing a square around your answer(s). Failure to demonstrate the computational stepsyou have taken in your calculations (compute answers to the 3rd decimal place) will result in a loss ofpoints.2) SPSS write up of the output: You must include a screen shot of your data view with the variables listedand all relevant SPSS output in the order listed in the exercise. Copy and paste your output tables andgraphics into your word document so you can resize and economize on space. Annotate your output(using comment box tool in MS Word) indicating where in the output you can find the answers; make itobvious to the grader. Include a summary (1-2 paragraphs) of your results. This is a description of whatyour output demonstrates in regards XXXXX XXXXX the research question. Your summary will be typedand written up in APA style (double-spaced TNR 12-point font 1-inch margins) and include the valuesof the mean(s) standard deviation(s) and range(s).Ms. Faeghon loves to garden. This year she is growing a variety of squash on her farm and wants to test whether ornot a store bought fertilizer is better than her own compost pile fertilizer. To test this she has planted squash inPlot A using a store bought fertilizer and in Plot B she has planted squash using her compost fertilizer. Specificallyshe is interested in the quantity and the size of the squash produced in each acre. Below is a listing of the numberof squash collected in each corresponding acre and the weights of each squash (in ounces). Note: There is nomissing data for this assignment.Plot A59 62 67 75 77 79 84 58 63 72 69 73 78 80 8763 64 67 70 74 81 89 59 65 68 76 107 83 79 9572 89 110 49 67 44 65 92 39 64Plot B47 61 72 63 56 54 67 75 91 72 83 140 3137 25 38 57 62 49 205 66 39 43 81 66 7842 29 190 64 76 54 38 67 61 33 48 55 5968 18 49 37 83 70 154 91 50 58 661) By hand calculate the following for each plot then for the entire garden (both plots combined) .a. Range of squash weights (3pt)b. The average weight of squash (3pt)c. The squash weight that divides the distribution of weights in half (3pt)d. The most frequently occurring squash weight (3pt)e. The standard deviation of squash weight from the average weight (9pt)2) Through SPSSa. Construct a frequency table and the appropriate graphical display representing squash weights for eachplot and then the entire garden. (3pt)i. What is the shape of the distribution of weights for all squash of the entire garden? (1pt)ii. What measure of central tendency should be used to describe the entire garden? (1pt)iii. For Plot A what percent of the distribution is attributed to a squash weight of 72 ounces? (2pt)iv. For Plot B the top 20% of all squash are above what weight? (2pt)b. Analyze the squash weights listed above determine the following using the descriptives command foreach plot and the entire garden. (1.5pt)i. Range of squash weights (1.5 pt)ii. The average weight of squash in the garden (1.5 pt)iii. The standard deviation of squash weight from the average weight (1.5 pt)c. Transform the data of Plot A into z-scores (1pt)i. What is the z-score for X = 78 (1pt)ii. What is the z-score for X = 39 (1pt)iii. What is the X value that corresponds to z = 1.50? (1pt)iv. What is the X value that corresponds to z = 0.01? (1pt)d. Ms. Thompson discovered that after weighing all the squash in Plot B her scale was not calibrated.Therefore all her squash weights for Plot B were over the actual weight by 3.8 ounces. Compute a newvariable for Plot B with the new recalculated accurate squash weights. Label this variable NewPlotB.Analyze the data in NewPlotB with the frequencies command to find the following (2pt)i. Range of squash weights (.5pt)ii. The average weight of squash (.5pt)iii. The squash weight that divides the distribution of weights in half (.5pt)iv. The most frequently occurring squash weight (.5pt)v. The standard deviation of squash weight from the average weight (.5pt)vi. The range of squash weights for the middle 50% (.5pt)e. Save your data file.3) SPSS Summary: From the data listed above on Plot A and New Plot B which fertilizer is bett

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