
Designing a Survey
Surveys are widely used to collect data about customer preferences; they include a variety of questions. In this assignment two situations have been mentioned. On the basis of these situations you will complete the required tasks.
Part IA company s cereal is not selling well. Create a 10 15-question survey that measures customers preferences for the company s cereal product. Later answer the following questions:
How many scale items will you put in the survey? Justify your answer.
Will you use multiple-choice questions? Why or why not?
How many scale items will you use in the survey?
Why did you select that number of scale items?
How many scale points will you use in the survey? Justify your answer.
What data type will be used in the survey? Justify your answer.
Submit your answers in a two- to three-page Word document.
On a separate page cite all sources using the APA guidelines with in-text citations and no wiki websites.
Part IIAs a second part of this assignment create a set of survey questions assuming that you sell cars. You are attempting to measure how customers perceive the quality of the cars that you sell.
Create three survey questions with simple category scales. Justify why you selected those questions and scales.
Create three survey questions with multiple-choice single-response scales. Justify why you selected those questions and scales.
Create three survey questions with multiple-choice multiple-response scales. Justify why you selected those questions and scales.
Create three survey questions with Likert scale summated ratings. Justify why you selected those questions and scales.
Submit your answers in a two- to three-page Word document.
On a separate page cite all sources using the APA guidelines with in-text citations and no wiki websites.
Criteria:Created a 10 15-question survey that measures customers preferences for the company s cereal product. 10Analyzed and justified the number of scale items you will put in the survey. 5Analyzed and explained whether or not you will use multiple-choice questions. 5Analyzed and justified the number of multiple-choice questions you will use in the survey. 5Created three survey questions with simple category scales. Justified why you selected those questions and scales. 5Created three survey questions with multiple-choice single-response scales. Justified why you selected those questions and scales. 5Created three survey questions with multiple-choice multiple-response scales. Justified why you selected those questions and scales. 5Created three survey questions with Likert scale summated ratings. Justified why you selected those questions and scales. 5Used correct spelling grammar and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using the APA guidelines. 5Total 50

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