
explain VLO is simple understanding language

Explain what your VLO (vocational learning outcome) means in simple, easy to understand language. 1. Work from an anti-oppressive,strengths-based practice,recognizing the capacity for resilience and growth of individuals and communities when responding to the diverse needs of marginalized or vulnerable populations to act as allies and advocates. 2. Work with Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Directions:  go onto www.youtube.com and listen several times to the following examples of music: 1. Alleluia: Vidimus Stellam (Hallelujah, we have seen his star(this is the full title); composer is anonymous2. Estampie (composer is anonymous)3. O Successores by Hildegard de Bingin(composer)4. Adoramus Te by Giovanni de la Palestrina (composer)5. Agnus Read more…

Data Visualization and GIS Solutions

Research either data visualization software or GIS software available to businesses. In a paper, summarize the range of solutions available with examples of how they might be utilized. Then conduct some research and identify an organization that has adopted one of these software solutions. Briefly describe the organization, and then Read more…

Exponential function

Share a task personal or professional that could be modeled mathematically through your chosen topic. Explain how this might be used in making good decisions. Some examples might be: Exponential growth or decline of money, population or path of a rocketLogarithmic nature of sound intensityRelationships that have limitations on the Read more…

EArly language and literacy development

1. After watching the video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk5FrCKqJWI read the attached document Reading Strategies: First Grade.  Focus specifically on the second page, pg. 25, entitled Interactive Read Aloud and Literature Discussion. 2. Choose one goal that the teacher is focusing on in this interactive read aloud. For example, About: Understand that an Read more…

Handheld Solitaire

Handheld Solitaire requires no table, has simple rules, and is easily learned and played. It is played with a traditional 52 card deck of 4 suits (hearts, clubs, diamonds, and spades) and 13 ranks from ace (1) to king (13). Jokers are not included. The deck (face down) is held Read more…

discussion week 3

Croke, E. (2006). Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 17(3), 3. Link: Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts Essay Prompt: Identify primary problems that led to the malpractice suits (Croke, 2006), and identify the role the nurse played and what the Read more…


Dear writer,I will attach for you 3 article, and I need  you to do :1- summarize in point with proving examples.2- give your opinion on the end. each article need to be on a page (Separated)  Please you simple language and basic vocabulary while you write the summarize