
executive summary for case study report

Based group case study I write writing a executive summary for case study report-case report and other references must be referenced at the end of your executive summary-Demonstrates analysis and understanding of case at hand and course findings and recommendations-summarize the case report-Synthesis of issues, analysis and recommendations-citation format must Read more…

how to help good360

Good360 helps socially responsible companies do good by distributing highly needed product donations to people facing challenging life circumstances all through our global network of vetted nonprofit partners For Good360What trends are impacting trade and investment? What are the drivers and stories that create these? How are these relevant to Read more…

Is television essentially live as a medium?

The answer could only be yes it is or no is not, required to use more than three readings from the list(core reading prefer), encourage to do more research Need to discuss relate to lectures Formal writing, critical thinking, academic vocabulary Contact me for sources of reading list which you Read more…

Critically evaluate Levitts view of global strategy

The globalization of markets is at hand. With that, the multinationalcommercial world nears its end, and so does the multinationalcorporationThe multinational corporation operates in a number of countries,and adjusts its products and processes in each, at high relative cost. Theglobal corporation operates with resolute constancy…it sells the same things inthe Read more…


Assessment 6: Op-Ed (50% of final mark)Students have to write an individual paper for this module. The paper shouldhave an extension of 1500 words (+/-10%).The op-ed entry should show evidence of independent research and reading. Aminimum of 5-10 relevant academic references should be used and correctlyreferenced in the paper, and Read more…

For this assignment you are asked to review a Home Office policy document:

Home Office (2010). Protecng Our Border, Protecng the Public. The UK Border Agencys Five YearStrategy for Enforcing our Immigraon Rules and Addressing Immigraon and Cross Border Crime(London: Home Office). Available at:hps://webarchive.naonalarchives.gov.uk/20100303205641/hp:/www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/managingourborders/crime-strategy/protecng-border.pdf?view=Binary you are asked to make ajudgement on the policy put forward by the UK government in 2010. Make sure Read more…

Contemporary Issues in Accounting

Q2: “Illustrate the ‘ETL’ process, using a dataset that was not analysed before.” Q3: “Use one supervised and one unsupervised approach to analyse a dataset of your choice.” Q4: “Visualise the results from your analysis (for both supervised and unsupervised approaches) in an appropriate way. Justify your choices.”

Annotated Bibliography

What is an annotated bibliography?An annotated bibliography is an alphabecally-ordered (by author surname) list of citaons to books,arcles, and documents. followed by a descripve and evaluave paragraph, the annotaon.The purpose of the annotaon is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of thesources cited. Creang an annotated Read more…