
Deontological Ethis

Read pages 150-151, Deontological Ethics, 1. Introduction.  And based on that reading, answer: DO you think Al is an honest person?  Why?What are deontological theories of ethics? Answer Question 2 on page 151. Read pages 152-154.  Answer: Question # 1 and #4 on page 154  Watch video on YouTube: Beginner’s Read more…

ethical theories

Read in Chapter 6 pages 112-113.  Based on that chapter, answer the following questions:What is Hedonism?(see also page 16 and 17) How the statement:  pleasure and happiness are not the same is explained.  Based on the reading on page 113, what is the difference between pleasure and happiness? Find on Read more…

ethical theories

Read in Chapter 6 pages 112-113.  Based on that chapter, answer the following questions:What is Hedonism?(see also page 16 and 17) How the statement:  pleasure and happiness are not the same is explained.  Based on the reading on page 113, what is the difference between pleasure and happiness? Find on Read more…

Moral psychology and egoism

Read Chapter 5 Moral Psychology and Egoism pages 87-106.  Answer the following questions:                                        Milgrams experiment (pages 87-88).  What was Milgrams experiment? What was tested in this experiment?  How was it done? On Read more…