

Activities: 1. MidTerm – Java program Create a new Project in Netbeans. Use the following naming convention for the project: lastname_MidTerm . Example: smith_MidTerm Add your name, course number, and Assignment number to the top of all classes as a comment Document all functionality using comments Variables must be declared Read more…


Part 4Last week, a disk containing CSM Tech Publishing’s current project manuscripts crashed. Fortunately, there was a backup, but all files that had been added or changed that day were lost. A new disk had to be purchased for overnight delivery, and the data had to be restored. Several days Read more…


PART 1You’re installing a new network for CSM Tech Publishing, a new publisher of technical books and training materials. There will be 10 client computers running Windows 10, and CSM Tech Publishing plans to run a web-based order processing/inventory program that for now is used only by in-house employees while Read more…

Visio Assignment

After reviewing Appendix C of Hands-On Database, use Visio to re-create one of the E-R diagrams provided in Appendix F of Database Design for Mere Mortals. Please note that the symbols used in Visio are not identical to those used in Database Design for Mere Mortals. You should create your Read more…

Coding Problem

These links are the two assignments you can do, if they don’t work for what ever reason, please do any other two assignments that are level 8 on the website.https://www.codewars.com/kata/57e92e91b63b6cbac20001e5/train/javahttps://www.codewars.com/kata/55ca77fa094a2af31f00002a/train/javaComplete the code and include comments with //’s on how it was done, please and thank you.

An android communication app

An android communication app with with three users (co-ordinator,teacher,parent) and an administrator( hostel administrator). The administrator should be able to select a particular student from a database of students and send a message( text/doc/video/image) to that student’s parent/teacher/coordinator.A two-factor authentication for the admin to strengthen the security App should be Read more…