
Disaster response DB 2

You must create a thread in response to the Discussion Board Forum prompt. Thread must be 250275 words. Clarify the issue being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and experience, and must reflect critical thought, relate the course content to real-world applications with biblical perspectives. A minimum Read more…

finding partners

For this option, select one person/stakeholder in your community who might have interest or expertise in your community action plan. Remember, a stakeholder is a person with an interest or concern in something. This stakeholder should have a connection to your portfolio topic in your chosen community as this may Read more…

Investigations DB 2

You are required to provide a thread in response to the provided topic. Thread is to be a minimum of 250 words, cite at least 2 academic sources, and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Acceptable sources include the textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, government sources/websites, and professional association websites. In addition to academic Read more…


The field of psychology (especially learning/biological psychology) relies heavily on research using animals. While this provides an available source of participants for research, it is not without its controversy. Use the link below to view the article. http://www.newsweek.com/2014/03/28/breakthroughs-might-mean-end-animal-testing-247999.html

Moral Status

Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality”, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions:   1.) What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?    Read more…

Short Discussion

Depending on if a defendant is charged, you learned that it could be a violation of the 5th or 6th amendment if law enforcement places an undercover officer or informant in a position to overhear a statement.  Answer the following questions: Why do you think it matters about incrimination if Read more…

Analysis How do you reduce your abandon rates?

According to webstrategiesinc.com, take a look at the following abandon rates Why Do Customers Abandon the Shopping Cart?Why are customers abandoning their purchases more than half the time? Some site more comparison-shopping activities. Recent studies found the following reasons (multiple studies cited so the numbers dont add to 100%). 57% Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What techniques were used by the group leader? **Identify at least two (2) defense mechanisms used by group participants.  Give specific example of the use of defense mechanisms**Record at least two (2) good coping mechanisms used group members.  Give specific examples **How did participants describe patterns of interaction with their Read more…

Law discussion post

Depending on if a defendant is charged, you learned that it could be a violation of the 5th or 6th amendment if law enforcement places an undercover officer or informant in a position to overhear a statement.  Answer the following questions: Why do you think it matters about incrimination if Read more…