
Movie Response

1 watch this film https://www.bilibili.com/s/video/BV14J411h7b9 The Beaches of Agns+ read the attached 1 PDF file 2 half page talks about the film answer following questionsWhat elements of the film stood out to you? What scenes or moments struck you most intensely? Do you have questions? What would you like to Read more…

Finanacial Statement

To accessall materials listed: student.ashford.edu login: JUVEDD6486 PWD: Cheyanne#10 ACC305 then go to modules and go to week 5 final paper all materials are listed. this assignment, you will write a Final Paper. Include a title page, introduction, and conclusion in addition to the sections below. Include all appropriate in-text Read more…

reflective essay

Reflect on your learning experiences over this past term. Think about what it means to be a part of the Walden scholarly community. Reflect on the knowledge and insights you gained about the landscape of higher education, and the opportunities and challenges facing leaders in this field. Think about how Read more…

Critical Appraisal of Practice Guidelines

Critical Appraisal of Practice Guidelines    Directions:Perform the following tasks to complete this assignment:    Provide a link to your selected guideline and explain why you chose it, supporting your response with an explanation of why you selected it.  ( https://uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/uspstf/recommendation/falls-prevention-in-older-adults-interventions#fullrecommendationstart )    Using the AGREE II Instrument User’s Manual for reference, complete Read more…

teaching experience paper

Describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations based off the power point teaching presentation. (covid 19 secondary prevention/health promotion: hand washing). The written portion of this assignment should include: Summary of teaching planEpidemiological rationale for topicEvaluation of teaching experienceCommunity response to teachingAreas of strengths and areas of improvement Prepare Read more…

Documentary Writing

Ten-minute  presentation about  the  project.  It  is recommended  that  you address  Anthony  Friedmanns Seven  Steps: Problem/need,  audience,  objective,  strategy,  content,  medium,  concept within  your presentation.  If  you  do not,  please  be  prepared  to  answer  these  questions. Please  use Power  Point  or Prezi. A one-page version of the outline should conclude Read more…