
Any topic (writer’s choice)

APA Paper: Identifying Unmet Needs in the Community 30% Talk to a human service professional in your community. Describe the professionals role and what that person sees as an unmet need in the community as it relates to the child protection field. Discuss the Adoption Safe and Families Act as Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1CwRqs7zOo&feature=emb_title Share your thoughts about this video. In what ways is it tied to what we are doing in the course. How does the video educate others about child abuse and/or neglect issues. Make it interesting. I look forward to your responses.


: In the healthcare field, you will need to find unique ways to approach each patient and each patients family. In this journal assignment, you willresearch the treatment strategies of a specific disease, and then reflect on how you might help explain a complex health problem to a young patient. Read more…


In this discussion, you will explore the consequences of steroid abuse and identify the symptoms a potential patient may present with in the healthcare field. Research the steroid hormone Nandrolone in peer-reviewed medical journals found on the  Biology research guide. This site provides guidance on finding biology resources and citing Read more…

Deliverable 7

CompetenciesAssess the causes and consequences of historical events on the U.S. healthcare system.Evaluate the current financing and reimbursement models within the U.S. healthcare delivery system.Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare.Assess the roles and impacts of various stakeholders within Read more…