

Identify some published technical or research paper, report, or article related to the topic of security authentication, cryptography, cloud security, threat analysis, hacking, or any other topic related to cybersecurity. Write a 1000-1300 word essay explaining the main points of the paper you selected, and offer your personal perspective on Read more…

Journal 2

A journal about ethics , ethical speaking, ethical listening, civility in classroom.  Also, talk about how speaker nervousness is normal, how to manage speaker nervousness.  Talk about the importance of listening, listening vs hearing,  the process of listening, obstacles to effective listening, promoting better listening, and providing feedback.


Connect all 3 sources To love and how they are expressed throughout each source source 1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4zv2Pr8_kXib4rn5JFzGfAjU5KLJynQ93glWb6w6y4/edit?usp=sharing source 2 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-qY3hK_CTKJC8OVoVgLvh6-BYBsqaumhbBXWcwCciJM/edit?usp=sharing source 3 https://docs.google.com/document/d/10QT0lrb-pEOwrqHVmHYqKDMfpL64w1N0XcYRxLTQ83E/edit?usp=sharing

Food Microbiology

Requirements for the Research Paper: SummarySeven to nine pages, double spaced. Research topic in form of a question.AbstractMain body of your topic: To be divided into main heading and subheadingsVERY IMPORTANT: Do not directly quote any sources even if you give the authors name. Digest the information and provide it Read more…


Instructions: Please answer each question in writing in a PDF or MS Word file -where the page layout must be a 1-inch on four sides with a 12pt-font size Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri type -in single-spacing paragraphs. Also, it is best to utilize both quantitative and qualitative analyses Read more…


I need three sources that I will provide,source 1    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4zv2Pr8_kXib4rn5JFzGfAjU5KLJynQ93glWb6w6y4/edit?usp=sharingsource 2    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-qY3hK_CTKJC8OVoVgLvh6-BYBsqaumhbBXWcwCciJM/edit?usp=sharingsource 3    https://docs.google.com/document/d/10QT0lrb-pEOwrqHVmHYqKDMfpL64w1N0XcYRxLTQ83E/edit?usp=sharing all through my gmail you should be able to view the sources for free ! connect all 3 sources

Income Inequality

topic of paper is income inequality 1- tackle the topic on a global lovel and domestic/local level of the following countries ( USA,CHINA,LEBANON,SOUTH AFRICA , CHILE). each country has to be discussed. 2 – discuss how moral , economic and ethical issues are associated with income inequality. 3- MUST link Read more…