

HYPOKINETIC DISEASE TERM PAPERSelect 2 family members and complete a family history interview/assessment. Before you start interviewing come up with open minded family focused questions some areas that you will explore in this health history will be nutrition/ dietary practices, smoking/drinking illegal and prescription drug use, sleep rest patterns elimination Read more…


HYPOKINETIC DISEASE TERM PAPERSelect 2 family members and complete a family history interview/assessment. Before you start interviewing come up with open minded family focused questions some areas that you will explore in this health history will be nutrition/ dietary practices, smoking/drinking illegal and prescription drug use, sleep rest patterns elimination Read more…

Manuscript disease analysis

Primary manuscript analysis assignment: each student will be required to select a primary article studying a signal transduction pathway from a top-tier journal and provide an in-depth analysis of the article. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Janetta-Culvenor/publication/225927644_Amyloid_precursor_protein_processing_and_retinal_pathology_in_mouse_models_of_Alzheimer%27s_disease/links/0f3175315269adad91000000/Amyloid-precursor-protein-processing-and-retinal-pathology-in-mouse-models-of-Alzheimers-disease.pdforhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021925819347969 The analysis must include the following components: 1. The complete article reference (Authors, Journal, Volume, Page numbers) 2. Read more…