
What is it about?

You will write up the Phase 3 clinical research project that your group outlined in your research proposal (#2). Your group will run the trial using the Island and then your group will pool the data and statistics for you to use in your individual CONSORT research project.

You MUST follow the strict formatting guidelines in the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) 2010 statement and use all major headings/numbers. 

Data from The Islands

Your group is required to collect enough data from The Islands to be able to draw conclusions and do basic statistics. The focus will be on putting your interpretation of the data under the microscope. In week 9, you will have some tutorial time to use the library computers for data collection – most data collection on The Islands needs to be undertaken during the day (just like in real life). You will also have statistics help for the group available in class.

Details of the Project

Report: Report using CONSORT format (complete with section numbers!)
CONSORT 2010 checklist.docPreview the document
CONSORT 2010 Update Statement.pdfPreview the document
CONSORT STYLE example.pdfPreview the document
Spreadsheet: Design and use an Excel spreadsheet to enter data (SPSS for statistics)
PLS: Design it with an explanation of what is involved in your study
RMIT PICF.docxPreview the document
2018-ONPS2304-PICF Template.pdfPreview the document
2018-ONPS2304-PLS TARGAT.pdfPreview the document
CRF: Include 5 case report forms completely filled out.
2018-ONPS2304-CRF Template.pdfPreview the document
2018-ONPS2304-CRF VASM.pdfPreview the document
Submission: Submit everything with your report
2019 ONPS2304 CONSORT Research report Rubric.pdfPreview the document 
2019 ONPS2304 General Academic writing Rubric.pdfPreview the document

Please note the penalties for late submissions:

Deadlines are taken very seriously in this course. Late submissions are penalised 10% per day, or part thereof (weekends included) for a maximum of 5 days with a zero given thereafter.

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