
Scenario 2

Georgia Banks was convicted of Possession of Methamphetamine, a third-degree felony, and was sentenced to five years in prison. Meth is a highly addictive narcotic which has a high potential for abuse due to severe psychological or physical dependence. Georgia became addicted while dating an abusive boyfriend who introduced her to drugs. During intake to the state prison system, the classification and risk assessment systems indicate that Georgia suffers from severe depression.

Georgia is seeking counseling for her mental disorder. As a prison advocate, it is your job to research the law and write a legal brief using IRAC.

Paper Criteria

You are to write a short legal paper to demonstrate your knowledge by researching, writing, and citing the U.S. Constitutional Amendment(s) and U.S. Supreme Court cases relevant to Scenario 2 described above.

To complete this assignment, you are to do the following:

Determine the legal issue.
Research the legal issue – see Legal Research: Finding Case Law.
Identify and describe the relevant U.S. Constitutional Amendment(s).
Identify and describe the precedent setting U.S. Supreme Court cases.
Write the legal paper using the IRAC method – see Legal Writing: Using IRAC.
Use proper Bluebook legal citations – See Legal Citation: U.S. Supreme Court Cases.

Additional Paper Requirements

Paper is to be 1-2 pages in length
The goal is to inform the reader of the most relevant legal precedent, rather than filling pages.
A title or cover page is not required and is not included in the paper length.
Use standard 12-point, Times New Roman font with one-inch margins (all around), and double spacing.