
Please Reply to the following 2 Discussion posts:


APA format with intext citation

Word count minimum of 150 words per post

References at least one high-level scholarly reference per post within the last 5 years in APA format.

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The PICOT question I have selected to conduct a systematic review and search of is; The Effect of Culture and Eating Habits on Childhood obesity in the United States. In terms of how I will go about researching the topic, I would find reputable search engines to maintain data that is accurate and official. Then when finding articles and journals that provide evidence on my topic I would make sure the references I picked were neutral and unbiased. I would pull from multiple sources to prove that my research is the most current evidence to support my solutions for my PICOT question. According to an article published by PubMed, the steps in conducting a systematic review are as follows. “Step 1: Framing questions for a review, Step 2: Identifying relevant work, Step 3: Assessing the quality of studies, Step 4: Summarizing the evidence, and Step 5: Interpreting the findings” (Khan, 2003). An important factor to note is that when I am analyzing my research I have to make sure the interpretation of the results is accurate instead of representing the stance I am stating. When pondering on how the research study would be set up for my question I would make sure to use the right study format and variables are used to further ensure my data is accurately reflecting the population. Then after the study has been conducted the next steps following are extracting the data, analyzing the findings, and interpreting the results. This is the same format I would use when it comes to doing a meta-analysis. If I were not to conduct my own personal research. Using these same principles from both I am sure I will find sufficient evidence to link American culture and eating habits that cause childhood obesity. 

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