
Unit 3 Discussion Board

Criteria Ratings Pts

Thiscriterion islinked to aLearningOutcomeTerms

25 ptsMeets or ExceedsExpectationsProvides detailedresponses to the task andor questions presentedthat are on target and wellinformed. Work is originaland is not a copy ofexamples provided or acopy of work from anothersource.

13 ptsDevelopingPerformanceMakes comments tothe question or taskthat are generally ontarget. Some partsmay be missing orincomplete.

0 ptsUnacceptablePerformanceDoes not provideresponse orresponse is offtarget.


Thiscriterion islinked to aLearningOutcomeDefinitions

25 ptsMeets or ExceedsExpectationsProvides detailedresponses to the taskand or questionspresented that are ontarget and wellinformed. Work isoriginal and is not acopy of examplesprovided or a copy ofwork from anothersource.

13 ptsDevelopingPerformanceMakes commentsto the question ortask that aregenerally on target.Some parts may bemissing orincomplete.

0 ptsUnacceptablePerformanceDoes not provideresponse or responseis off target. OR Workis NOT original and isa copy of examplesprovided or a copy ofwork from anothersource.


Thiscriterion islinked to aLearningOutcomeSentences

25 ptsMeets or ExceedsExpectationsProvides detailedresponses to the taskand or questionspresented that are ontarget and wellinformed. Meaning ofterms are clear from thecontext of thesentences. Work isoriginal and is not acopy of examplesprovided or a copy ofwork from anothersource.

13 ptsDevelopingPerformanceMakes comments tothe question or taskthat are generally ontarget. Some partsmay be missing orincomplete. Meaningof the terms is notclear from thecontext of thesentences.

0 ptsUnacceptablePerformanceDoes not provideresponse orresponse is offtarget. OR Work isNOT original and is acopy of examplesprovided or a copy ofwork from anothersource.


Thiscriterion islinked to aLearningOutcomeReplies

25 ptsMeets or ExceedsExpectationsReplies withsubstantive andwell-informedcomments orfeedback to at least2 colleagues.Includes all of thefollowing: name thestudent, restate theirterms, and explainhow and why youthink the informationin their post will behelpful to you in thefuture.

13 ptsDevelopingPerformanceReplies with substantiveand generally wellinformed comments orfeedback to 1 colleagueincluding all of thefollowing: name thestudent, restate theirterms, and explain howand why you think theinformation in their postwill be helpful to you inthe future. OR Repliesto 2 colleagues, but oneor more of the followingis missing from theposts: name thestudent, restate theirterms, and explain howand why you think theinformation in their postwill be helpful to you inthe future.

0 ptsUnacceptablePerformanceDoes not reply tocolleagues. ORReplies are minimaland do not includeany of the following:name the student,restate their terms,and explain how andwhy you think theinformation in theirpost will be helpful toyou in the future.


Total Points: 100

Categories: Uncategorized