Emerging Technologies Write a Research paper on three of the following topics as it relates to or complements Systems
Analysis and Design (SAD):
Descriptive, Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics (why SAD should consider Analytics)
Analytics Competencies Centers (Collaboration between Business Analysts, IT Specialists
and Users)
Cloud Computing (PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AaaS) (how SAD is different for cloud
Hadoop and Advanced Data Management (data sources that may impact SAD)
Blockchains (how Blockchains impact SAD)
Your research paper must be at least 4 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 font, and include at
least 5 references, at least 2 of which must be peer-reviewed. Your paper must be formatted
using APA guidelines. Do not include a cover page. Do not include an abstract. The reference
page is NOT included in the 4-page length requirement.
The paper should include an Introduction (to include a Hypothesis based on the research),
Literature Review (Evidence) and Analysis of the Literature. All references must be cited within
the text. Since the paper includes multiple topics, each topic must be separated and start with
a HEADING. Include a conclusion at the end of the paper to summarize the entire paper and
analyze how each topic relates together as related to the use of Systems Analysis and Design.
Things I look for when grading:
• I will look for high SafeAssign scores where large blocks of text have been obtained from
other sources without citation OR where blocks of text have been obtained from other
students. Students will be assigned a ZERO when plagiarism is indicated.
• I will use the WORD Review-Split option on the Research paper, with the top pane
looking at the paper’s content and the bottom pane looking at the Reference page. I
will then search the content using the author’s name, for each Reference, to make sure
each Reference was Cited. I will then search for every Citation to make sure a Reference
exists on the Reference page for each citation.
• I will use the WORD Review-Check Document to look for Spelling and Grammar errors.
• I will look for instances where main topic areas are not linked together.
• I will want to see a Hypothesis that is specific enough and is based on the research (i.e.
the Hypothesis is specifically addressed within the text).
• I will look for extraneous content that does not link back to the Hypothesis and topic.