Needs Improvement
Criterion Score
Examine how efficiency and effectiveness (E/E) affect decision making
4 points
Excellent examination of how E/E affect decision making was discussed thoroughly, examples given were clear and relevant; all was supported by course material and logically reasoned with insightfulness.
3.6 points
Good examination of how E/E affect decision making was discussed well, examples given were clear and relevant; all was supported by course material and logically reasoned one major point was missed.
3.2 points
Little examination of how E/E affects decision making was generally defined; conclusions were sometimes logically unsupported by research and course material; Discussion showed a sufficient understanding of the affect on decision making but lacked detail and support from the material.
2.8 points
An attempt was made to explain how E/E affects decision making; conclusions were very weak due to a lack of logical connections made from research and class material.
2.4 points
No discussion of the identification of criteria or discussion was vague and/or with minimal support.
Score of Examine how efficiency and effectiveness (E/E) affect decision making,/ 4
Analyze the propositon that managment promotes diversity
4 points
Excellent analysis that thoroughly defined and conclusions as position taken were clearly and logically reasoned by using ideas obtained through research and course material; Discussion showed an insightful understanding of the totality of the term diversity because of the support from research, and examples given.
3.6 points
Good analysis defending or attacking were defined and conclusions as to the position taken were clearly and logically reasoned by using ideas obtained through research,and course material; Discussion showed a good understanding but the totality of the term diversity needed better examples.
3.2 points
Needs development defending or attacking were defined and most conclusions as to the position taken were logically reasoned by using ideas obtained through research, and course material;Discussion showed a sufficient understanding of the totality of diversity but more support needed.
2.8 points
An attempt was made to discuss the position but the discussion was very weak due to a lack of logical connections from research, and class material.
2.4 points
Insufficient position taken or justification for same and/or slides were missing in whole or part.
Score of Analyze the propositon that managment promotes diversity,/ 4
Analyze the key component of relationship building for managers and how it may affect decision making and implementation of future decisions
3 points
Excellent analysis of relationship building and its affect on future decision making was discussed thoroughly, examples given were clear and relevant; all was supported by course material and research. Discussion was insightfully and logically reasoned.
2.8 points
Good analysis of relationship building and its affect on future decision making was discussed well, examples given were clear and relevant; all was supported by course material and logically reasoned one major point was missed.
2.4 points
Needs development explaining relationship building and its affect on future decision making was generally defined; conclusions were sometimes logically unsupported by research and course material; Discussion showed a sufficient understanding of the affect on decision making but lacked detail and support from the material.
2.1 points
An attempt was made to discuss the position but the discussion was very weak due to a lack of logical connections from research, and class material.
1.8 points
Insufficient as to the position taken or justification for same and/or slides were missing in whole or part.
Score of Analyze the key component of relationship building for managers and how it may affect decision making and implementation of future decisions,/ 3
Management strategies/recommendations along with justification
4 points
Recommendations were logically reasoned by using research, and course material. Justification of the recommendations showed an insightful understanding of the need for changes in the structure,culture and behavior needed for the organization to succeed.
3.6 points
Recommendations were logically reasoned by using research, and course material. Justification of the recommendations showed an good understanding of the need for changes in the structure,culture and behavior needed for the organization to succeed but one of the three elements was underdeveloped.
3.2 points
Recommendations were mostly reasoned by using research, and course material. Jusitification of the Recommendations showed a general understanding of the need for changes in the structure,culture and behavior needed for the organization to succeed, but discussion failed to develop depth due to the lack of support from examples and material.
2.8 points
Recommendations were attempted justifications were also attempted somewhat but evidence of logical reasoning was missing or opinion was offered; discussion showed minimal understanding.
2.4 points
No discussion was made and or incorrect conceptually, missing slides , not persuaive.
Score of Management strategies/recommendations along with justification,/ 4
Presentation Creation and Transition
1 point
Presentation flows well and logically; transitions are smooth, interesting, persuasive and enhance presentation.
0.9 points
Presentation flows well; smooth transitions; use of persuasiveness was underdeveloped; on some slides.
0.8 points
Presentation is unorganized; very few transitions and/or they distract from presentation; persuasiveness was generally undeveloped.
0.7 points
Presentation flows well; smooth transitions used on most slides; no use of persuasive language.
0.6 points
No slide presentation.
Score of Presentation Creation and Transition,/ 1
Outside Research Selection: materials used show academic validity and are appropriate for the topic intended
1.5 points
More than the number of required outside sources were used to support the ideas and conclusions drawn throughout the paper and they were of academic quality and demonstrated appropriate application to the topic under discussion.
1.35 points
The number of required outside sources were used to support the ideas and conclusions drawn throughout the paper and they were of academic quality and demonstrated appropriate application to the topic under discussion.
1.2 points
The number of required outside sources were used to support the ideas and conclusions drawn throughout the paper and they mostly were of academic quality and demonstrated appropriate application to the topic under discussion.
1.05 points
Less than the number of required outside sources was used to support the ideas and conclusions drawn throughout the paper and/or the academic quality was not valid or failed to be appropriate to the topic under discussion.
0.9 points
No outside reference material was used.
Score of Outside Research Selection: materials used show academic validity and are appropriate for the topic intended,/ 1.5
Attention to Instructions
1.5 points
The presentation contains all major assignment tasks. The paper also includes completion of all minor aspects of the assignment such as table creation if required, third person writing, required use of course material, outside sources if needed, inclusion of page and paragraph number, no use of books, assignment format and avoidance of using direct quotes.
1.35 points
The presenation contains all major assignment tasks. The paper missed one minor aspects of the assignment such as table creation if required, third person writing, required use of course material, outside sources if needed, inclusion of page and paragraph number, no use of books, assignment format and avoidance of using direct quotes.
1.2 points
One major assignment tasks or two minor aspects of the assignment missed such as table creation if required, third person writing, required use of course material, outside sources if needed, inclusion of page and paragraph number, no use of books, assignment format and avoidance of using direct quotes.
1.05 points
Two major assignment tasks and/or three minor aspects of the assignments missed as table creation if required, third person writing, required use of course material, outside sources if needed, inclusion of page and paragraph number, no use of books, assignment format and avoidance of using direct quotes.
0.9 points
Three or more major assignment tasks missed or more than three minor aspects of the assignment missed such as table creation if required, third person writing, required use of course material, outside sources if needed, inclusion of page and paragraph number, no use of books, assignment format and avoidance of using direct quotes.
Score of Attention to Instructions,/ 1.5
Writing Mechanics
0.5 points
Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of written English using paragraphs and sentence rather than bullets, including but not limited to capitalization, punctuation, run-on sentences, missing or extra words, stylistic errors, spelling and grammatical errors. No contractions or jargon used. Zero to two errors noted.
0.455 points
Excellently adheres to standard usage of mechanics: conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Three to six errors noted.
0.4 points
Satisfactorily adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Seven to 10 errors noted.
0.355 points
Minimally adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. More than 10 errors found.
0.3 points
Does not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of written English largely incomprehensible; or errors are too
Score of Writing Mechanics,/ 0.5
APA Style (7th ed.)
0.5 points
One to two APA style or usage errors; Proper citation of source material is used throughout paper; Reference titles follow APA with only the first word, the first word after a colon and proper nouns capitalized.
0.45 points
Attempts in-text citations and reference list but 3 – 4 APA style errors noted or fails to use APA citations when appropriate 1-2 times.
0.4 points
Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; APA style errors are noted throughout document with 5-6 errors noted; Fails to use APA citations when appropriate 3 – 4 times in document.
0.35 points
Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; Fails to use APA citations when appropriate – 5-6 times or presents only 1-2 in-text citations and a reference list in a paper when APA citations are needed throughout the document.
0.3 points
No attempt at APA style; or attempts either in-text citations or reference list but omits the other.
Score of APA Style (7th ed.),/ 0.5
Rubric Total ScoreTotal
Score of Final Presentation Rubric 20%,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden