
Part 1:

Read Fischers article from 1937 in Crisis. Make sure you go to pg 29 to finish the article! Then respond to the following questions: (link to reading:


1. What do the cults provide for people? (please list at least 3 specific examples from his article)

2. There is a hidden indictment in this article about mainstream denominations. Why does Fischer think mainstream Christian denominations are losing the fight for congregants?

Part 2:
Read this thesis chapter on Lucy Smiths church. Herbert Smith gives a first-person account. Hes observing only (of course, his  judgments creep in, however).  This is one of the few accounts we have of Elder Lucy Smiths church service. (link to reading: https://courseware.ku.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-9421249-dt-content-rid-56122606_1/courses/4212-57669/Lucy%20Smith%20Doc.pdf )

As you read each section or two, please respond to each question as you go:

1. (sections 1 and 2) how does Herbert Smith describe the environment and building of Smiths church? Is there a difference between the outer environment and inside the church?

2. (section 3) How does he describe the people at the service?

3. (section 4) Read this section with an open mind and try to get into what Smith describes. Imagine that you are really there . What are two things that happen during this service that you think are unique from a mainline Christian church? What are two things you think are similar?

4. (section 5) How does Lucy Smith describe herself, and how does Smith analyze Smith at the end of his section? What does HE think of her?

(the above responses altogether should be? Less than 300wds)

5. Great job describing what you read!! Id like you to do a bit of analysis: what do you think Lucy Smiths church is doing for people that is different and unique from mainstream Christian churches at the time? Use the lecture and the reading to put this church and its experience in context. (less than 300 wds )

Part 3:
Listen to Garveys speech from 1921. Then Answer the following questions:

link to audio: http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5124

1.Give at least 2 examples from the speech that demonstrate how Garvey understands what we now call Pan-Africanism.
2.What does Garvey see as the role of the UNIA in his larger project? Again, please give at least one example from the text.
3.What does Garvey want for African-descended people all over the world? And who does he think are African people?