

Steven A. Morrison, & Clifford Winston. (1989). Airline Deregulation and Public Policy. Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 245(4919), 707711. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.245.4919.707

Homework Assignments/Articles Review:

Homework assigned articles reviews will be graded on the following criteria:
It is recommended that articles come from a current event topic related to Airport Planning and Management. Examples would include Airport Security, Airfield Operations, Aircraft Accidents, ARFF, and/or  Noise Compatibility. Other topics covered in the text may apply (must coordinate with the professor prior to using something outside of the topics mentioned).

Please keep in mind that an article analysis is NOT a summary of the article.
1.  Identify the author’s thesis

2.  Discuss the facts in the article that support the author’s thesis. In addition, discuss how the facts of the article relating to the course content.  If you are including facts from the article, I should see some paraphrasing with in-text citations.  Use APA for in-text citations. Are there resources with the article?  Are they current?

3.  What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article as is relates to the profession?  Is there evidence of bias or faulty reasoning?  In this section, you will need to bring in outside sources to either support the “truth” found in the article or “faulty reasoning”.  What are others saying about this topic?  Is there conflicting information out there?

4.  Conclusions – concluding remarks regarding your review/analysis of the article.

The article review should be 2-3 pages in length (not counting the Cover Page and Reference List) and must include at least 3 References (original article and support of review).