Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. Rick is a mad scientist who drags his grandson, Morty, on crazy sci-fi adventures. The show is very much an absurd satire, using both science and pop culture as its mediums for satire.
In class we watched & discussed the episodes “Pickle Rick”
Rick turns himself into a pickle in order to miss a family therapy episode.
Pickle Rick won Rick & Morty the 2018 Emmy Award for Best Animated show.
We watched and discussed the episode “The Ricks Must Be Crazy”
Your assignment is as follows.
Write a 1-page analysis. This is very easy. Answer three questions.
What was the show about?
Did you like it?
1-page –as always, typed, double space, 12 point Times Roman font.
Always edit and DO NOT cheat, i.e., copy stuff off the internet.