BIS1003 Introduction to Programming
Workshop 7
Topic 7: Files and exceptions
Apply and test your knowledge of the current and previous topics by attempting the
questions below. Completing these questions will help you to succeed in your subject.
Workshop Questions
1. Write a program to create a data file for storing student records. Assume a student
record consists of the following fields: ID, Last Name, First Name, and Marks. The
Marks field contains a number between 0 and 100. Write a program that loops to get
data for multiple students from the user and stores those as records in the student.txt
file. The user should enter a negative number as the ID to signal the end of the loop.
Your program should be able to reject non-numeric and out of range marks.
Additionally, handle all file related exceptions.
2. Write a program that reads the student data file ‘students.txt’ (containing the same
record structure as exercise (1) and displays the records of only the students having
marks more than 80. Your program should handle all file I/O exceptions.
3. Write a program that asks the user for a file name and then display contents of that
file preceded by the line numbers as shown in format below. Your program should
handle all file I/O exceptions.
1: text of line1
2: text of line2