
Advertising Effectiveness

  Respond to the following in a minimum of 350 words:  Imagine you are the product manager for a new Superbowl television ad. Discuss what you would measure to determine the effectiveness of that advertisement on the day it was shown, a month later, and six months later. (200 words) What are a few important trends in marketing Read more…


Locate a recent news article (dated within the last six months) about a  company who employs sustainable development or production methods to  attract consumers (i.e. green marketing plan). Develop an 800-word paper  using APA format presenting the company, its sustainable  development/production method and then analyze whether or not this  marketing Read more…

Week 2

Questions Question 1: A great debate has arisen over the impact of our society on global  climate change. Using academic support explain your position regarding  the extent to which you believe human activity affects the environment?  Identify practices (both good and bad) in businesses.  Provide specific  examples to support your Read more…


Explore the concept of division of labor. Please make sure to address the following questions: How important is the division of labor to a capitalist economy? How does the division of labor lead to more efficient production? What are some examples of division of labor and specialization from your personal Read more…

Interview athletic director

The purpose of this assignment is to learn about a potential career path in the sports business industry by networking with and interviewing an industry professional. As you ask questions, record the interviewee’s responses. Answers (outside of name, job title, and time working with an organization) should be at least Read more…

Digital Marketing Paper

Write a 2 page paper on the following below: 1. After watching Bryan Phelps Introduction to Google Analytics Expert Session, select any retail-oriented website and analyze how 2 of the analytics concepts (not specific metrics) discussed in that expert session could be used for analytics purposes for that website.  Provide Read more…