
Economics Short Essay

Read chapter 4, Bad Jobs, Low Pay, and Overwork, from “Naming the System: Inequality and Work in the Global Economy” by Michael D. Yates. Then, write a 400 words essay answering all or most questions below (not required to answer all): Why are there always more low-paying jobs than well-paying Read more…

Economics paper

500 – 700 word report about an article from a current (not older then -1-2020) online magazine or newspaper. NOTE THAT YOU NEED TO DO THE FOLLOWING:     Type or cut paste in the text of your own paper in the box provided under Assignment  and    Copy and Read more…

econ research paper

To find the relationship between two variables (Y and X)Y is people doing things repeatedlyX1 is GendersX2 is Education levelX3 is weightyou need run data (addwave4.dta) through STATA.I need table1 and table 2 (I upload already) in the essayI need STATA do file and log file.I upload my essay proposal Read more…

Applied Economics Inequality

Max 1,500 words, Arial 12 point font & double spacingIntroductionThis should say what the essay is about and your particular slant on the subject and how you are going to develop it.Main partContains the main contents and should have sub- headings, which form the skeleton of the essay. It should Read more…

Economy_Breslow Price Gouging

Read Price-Gouging: Its just supply and demand by Marc Breslow, posted in this week’s Moodle section. One way of summarizing Breslows article is The Law of Demand guarantees that there will sometimes be price-gauging. Explain what this means.  Do you agree with his reasoning?  Why or why not?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read case and answer following questions in OUTLINE format (bullet point, comprehensible, the case is reality)1. As described in the case, the EU can do considerably less than the U.S. to avert a crisis including differences in their MANDATES. Please describe these differences.2. Please describe the austerity measures that Greece Read more…

Detrimant of Demand and Supply

Select a market for a product or service and then identify at least one critical determinant of demand or supply in that selected market and forecast a reasonable future change in the determinant. Explain the changes in equilibrium price and quantity you expect for that market. A graph is not Read more…

economic growth

Please read the instructions CAREFULLY and focus on obtaining ALL POINTS.Dont forget to include graphs in the appendix Use these articles : https://tradingeconomics.com/norway/gdp-growth-annual https://tradingeconomics.com/luxembourg/gdp-growth-annual https://tradingeconomics.com/albania/gdp-growth-annual

Financial Management for the Supply Chain Professional

This is a movie critique. Watch: https://youtu.be/2mo6MECuQRA WILMINGTON UNIVERSITYHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT HRM311 Movie Critique InstructionsStudents are required to compose a film critique on each of the films assigned in the course. They should be well written, following standard rules of grammar and composition, and developing consistent, cohesive ideas over several Read more…