

This is essentially just a Note taking assignment that counts towards participation, so the writing style doesn’t matter it’s just to show that Notes were taken for the assigned chapter, treat it as if you’re studying and taking notes on the sections of the chapter, keep it plain and simple, Read more…

How did you discover your intellectual and academic interests, and how will you explore them at the University of Pennsylvania? Please respond considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected. (418 words)

How did you discover your intellectual and academic interests, and how will you explore them at the University of Pennsylvania? Please respond considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected. (418 words)For students applying to the coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer these questions in regard to your single-degree Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Cost Benefit Analysis: –    APA format with a title page, 1 pages of content, and a References page if necessary. –    See the DOTs VSL paper at: https://www.transportation.gov/office-policy/transportation-policy/revised-departmental-guidance-on-valuation-of-a-statistical-life-in-economic-analysis–    Reference also the Excel spreadsheet in Canvas.–    Write an essay justifying a $10,000 investment in a twin axis flight envelope protection system Read more…

Pandamic Paper

The events of September 11, 2001 lead to the modification of many aspects of aviation, some of which are still in effect almost 20 years later. What modifications to current systems, or implementation of new systems do you think will occur due to the impact of COVID-19 on the aviation Read more…

Personal/Spiritual Development

Review the overall purpose and approach to Design Your Own Plan (DYOP) for completing your undergraduate education contained in the following document.  Hopefully, you’re committed to an engineering career, but even if you choose to major in another area, having a well-developed plan will prove to be of immense value Read more…