
Pro Position Proposal

  Link (PDF):   Link (Word doc): Minimum of 3 articles (academic or credible online sources; 1 source will be from your discussion posting this week.) Apply the following writing resources to your assignment: Link (multimedia presentation): Link (website): InstructionsThe goal of the proposal is to create a working thesis Read more…

Professional Dynamics

Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public. Discuss factors that influence the publics perception of nursing? Describe ways to educate the general public on the professional nurses role and scope of nursing within a changing health care system.


Minimum of 250 words with at least 2 peer review reference in APA format  Uninsured patients can impact the financial status of a health care organization. What are the ethical implications of distributing scarce resources? How do you balance the cost of business versus the quality of care in order Read more…


Minimum of 250 words with at least 2 peer review reference in APA format  Identify the process of rational drug prescribing. Pick a condition and determine what steps you would complete specific to this condition to properly prescribe, manage, regulate, and educate the pharmaceutical need for your patient. What process Read more…

1500-2000 Words APA

In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include: Summary of teaching plan Epidemiological rationale for topic Evaluation of teaching experience Community response to teaching Areas of strengths and areas of improvement Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines 

Pamphlet Presentation

Based on the feedback offered by the provider, (in the attached interview form) prepare a 1-2 page pamphlet presentation based on the Teaching Work Plan (attached) and present the information to your local home health center General Requirements Solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using Read more…

Answer 3 Questions

Watch the “Diary of Medical Mission Trip” videos dealing with the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Reflect on this natural disaster by answering the following questions: Propose one example of a nursing intervention related to the disaster from each of the following levels: primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary Read more…

300 Words

What spiritual considerations surrounding a disaster can arise for individuals, communities, and health care providers? Explain your answer in the context of a natural or manmade disaster. How can a community health nurse assist in the spiritual care of the individual, community, self, and colleagues? 

Change Implementation And Management Plan

As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose. To Prepare: Read more…

Final Project

The final project for this course is the creation of a marketing and communication plan. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because when working in a management position at a healthcare organization, you could be involved in selecting or creating a healthcare marketing plan.  The project is Read more…