
Project on “God”

Submit a creative project developing a metaphor or image reflecting your perspective on God. Create a project utilizing a creative form that is comfortable or intriguing to you, such as poetry, short story, etc.Then, write a 5 page academic reflection paper outlining your perspective on God, describing how it is Read more…

Study of the prophet Amos

Topic : study of the Prophet Amos Required items of the paper: 1.The life of the Prophet Amos: life setting, place of ministry, and biographical information 2.The political and social context of the prophet Amos3.Commentary of Amos chapter 2: theme is spiritual and sociological 4.Interpretation of the Amos 2 according Read more…

Week Three Devotion

Reflection: What images or phrases stand out to you in this passage?What do you see of interest in the structure of this psalm? What is the relationship between our mortality and blessing God?How does this psalm shape the way you approach theology?

Week Two Discussion

In his lecture, Hellenism and the God of Israel, Dr. Gaines asks, What implications does your doctrine of God have for the remainder of your theological system? Are there any aspects of the doctrine of God that you think need to be reconsidered at this point? Post your response. Post Read more…


The goal of this assignment is to give you some practice in writing a short formal analysis of a single work of art, in preparation for the final paper assignment.  Read the “Formal Analysis Assignment” pdf posted here for the complete directions… FIRST, choose ONE of the artworks provided the Read more…

What’s that Job Worth?

You will use data collected by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics for this assignment. These data can be found at http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm. First Letter of Last Name : PI-PZ        43-4051    Customer Service Representatives Copy and paste the national estimates for the occupation (As seen in the word document attached) Read more…

Film and Theory: an Anthology

Describe and analyze Teshome Gabriel, Towards a Critical Theory of Third World Films, originally published 1985, in Film and Theory: an Anthology (Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2000), 298-316. Your response should be at least one paragraph of description and one paragraph of analysis of the article. You should Read more…

Outside in inside out

Describe and analyze Trinh Minh-ha, Outside in Inside out, in Questions of Third Cinema, ed. Jim Pines and Paul Willeman (London:  British Film Institute, 1989), 133-149. Your response should be at least one paragraph of description and one paragraph of analysis of the article. You should answer the following questions:What Read more…


This class is about leadership. This time the lecture is about the leadership in sport field.I want you to read though 5 readings I attached and write a short, critical reflection that synthesizes readings in a thoughtful and critical way.The response should’t be summary. Also I want you to reference Read more…


Using the same examples as the Typography assignment (University, Educational Center, Spa, Your own example), create a new 8.5 x 11 portrait page in InDesign, and divide it into four equal sized boxes. For each example, you will create a color palette. You are encouraged to use the color scheme-web Read more…