

Programming Assignment 1: Theater Reservation SystemGeneral RequirementsJava 8 introduced new APIs for Date and Time to address the shortcomings of the older java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar. You have to use these new features of Java 8 to manipulate time information in your program.In your implementation, ignore cases to recognize a user Read more…


Assignment(5).pdf has the instructions.  – Needs to run on Linux– Functionswritten.cpp is a draft file with individual functions that I already wrote that will be needed for the project-Checksub.sh & examples.tar are to check if program implemented correctly

Matlab Project problem

This is Matlab related problem.I give you to the a zip file and this file a matlab code” DetectDiseases_GUI.m” are gives me some error .when i run this file i got some error.”Classification diseases ” are not working properly.and all the project ” Detect.m” are not working properly.neural networking tool Read more…

Computer Networking

As mentioned above, in this assignment, you will not have to actually transmit packets over a network. Instead, you will simulate their delivery over a network. The “simulation” needed for this assignment is quite simple. You only have to determine whether a packet is lost or if a packet of Read more…


Write a program which implements the A* algorithm on an arbitrary map described through connections file and locations file. The locations file includes the names of the locations and their x and y positions. The connections file includes how the locations are connected.  The algorithm should allow the user to Read more…

Python project

Hi, I need to implement a strategy to remove noise from three different MRI images (all attached to this form). The noise applied on every image has different density in each one of them. I have also attached the images i need to aim for. I would much appreciate to Read more…