
Case Study

This week we are focused on the different environments in which companies operate and the market power related to each of these environments. The environment in which a company operates is referred to as a market structure. There are four primary structures:  perfect competition; monopolistic competition; oligopoly; and, monopoly. A Read more…

Are children exposed too young to social media more susceptible to identity development issues, mental illness, or a higher chance of developing depression?

Create and present your arguable thesis about one problem concerning the issue of identity in the age of social media. You will support your discussion of the problem and your proposed solutions with the texts we have read for the class, as well as 6 independently researched sources. Goal of Read more…


Read the attached synopsis of the ballet The Sleeping Beauty, then read the attached Characteristics of the Classical Style in Ballet. Then, using the link below, view the performance of the ballet danced by the Paris Opera Ballet in a version created by Rudolph Nureyev. Provide an analysis of the Read more…

Writers Choice

Assignment Requirements:1. Page one of this assignment should be a Letter to the Reader as outlined on page 194 ofSandra Giles article, Reflective Writing and the Revision Process. You may have to tweakyour responses to her questions a bit. For example, when she asks How did you narrow theassigned topic? Read more…

paragraph with a TOPIC SENTENCE

Assignment on The Lost Beautifulness by Anzia Yezierska1. Begin your paragraph with a TOPIC SENTENCE that includes the title of the short story and the name of the author, and addresses the assignment. (Example: In her short story The Lost Beautifulness Anzia Yezierska depicts the living conditions of the immigrants Read more…

Compare and Contrast

The Gothic period illustrates that there are no precise dates for the ending of one style and the beginning of another. However, this was a time of rich decorative motifs and beautiful cathedrals that was directly influenced by the Romanesque era and will also be repeated in later times.  Choose Read more…

Japanese Buddhism

Overview: Theravada (called the Ritsu or Risshu school) was known and practiced in early Japan, being one of the Six Schools of Nara Buddhism. But just as was the case in China, this branch of the Buddhist tradition was overwhelmed almost immediately by Mahayana and Vajrayana.  Such an outcome was Read more…