
Assignment #1. Addressing COVID-19 in LTSS (Long Term Services and Supports)

Assume that you are doing a residency in a skilled nursing facility, assisted living facility or a home and community-based organization that provides LTSS to older adults and adults with disabilities. You supervisor notes that there is growing concerns about a novel corona virus that has been spreading in China, Italy, Iran and other countries. You are asked to provide a 2-3 page (750 wordnot counting references) report on key steps the facility/organization should take to ensure that the residents/participants are not negatively affected.

Please identify: 1) possible risks, 2) important (and realistic) measures to mitigate risks, and 3) what you recommend to your supervisor. You may talk with anyone you want to about this assignment and use any legitimate sourcesbecause it is so new, news articles will probably be the most up-to-date.

Grading criteria:

1)    How well have you documented your paper (referenced at least 6 readings and class sessions)? Feel free to add additional information from the media (45%)
2)    How logical and fact-based is your analyses?  (20%)
3)    Is your paper comprehensive; do you answer all the questions?  (25%)
4)    How well executed is your paper (writing, spelling, grammar)? (10%)

readings you can refer (you should reference at least 6 of them!!):
1. (attached below) Singh, D. A. (2016). Effective Management of Long-Term Care Facilities. (3rd edition). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers
2. Summary of the White House Conference on Aging:
3. “Experiencing Life, Briefly Inside a Nursing Home” https://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/24/health/24nursing.html?pagewanted=all
4. “A Personal Lesson in Geriatric Care” https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/1247463989823/a-personal-lesson-in-geriatric-care.html
5.  “The Sense of An Ending” https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/05/20/the-sense-of-an-ending-2   
6. https://www.bettercareplaybook.org/_blog/2020/3/making-lemonade-very-sour-lemon-capitalizing-regulatory-flexibilities-born-covid-19
7. pdf (week2) I uploaded
8. pdf (week3) I uploaded