
After reading stories from pdf files, please answer those below questions. Thank you.

C) Patricia Highsmith    The Terrapin.
Your answers should be clear, to the point, based on evidence/examples, and demonstrate your understanding of the story.
1- What is the relationship between Victor and his mother like? How is she characterized, and how is Victor characterized? How do we know what theyre like?

D) Flannery OConnor    The Comforts of Home
Your answers should be clear, to the point, based on evidence/examples4 and demonstrate your understanding of the story.
1- What sort of person is Thomas? What does he do or say that makes you think so?
What does Thomas think of Star, and what does his mother think of her? What do you think of Star? Why? What is Thomass mother like? What does Thomas think of her, and do you agree? Why?How  are Thomas, Star, and Thomass mother and father characterized: how do we know what they are like?

E) Denis Lehane    Running Out of Dog
Your answers should be clear, to the point, based on evidence/examples and demonstrate your understanding of the story.
1- What narrative voice is used in Running out of dog? (First person, third person, etc.) Does this change? Who seems to be speaking? Explain how this influences our understanding of the story and what it means.