

The current state of the U.S. economy, as well as neo-liberal efforts on behalf of business to lessen the “burden” of government regulation.  As a result, the environmental movement, as well as environmental protection agencies within the state, have come under increased political pressure from organized corporate interests, especially those associated with what I term the polluter-industrial complex.  This has resulted in what many consider to be a profound crisis of environmental politics in America and throughout the world.

In a year there will be a presidential election. Utilizing the class readings, lectures, and/or films, provide a solution(s) to the environmental crisis in the United States or any other part of the world offered by a presidential candidate of your own choosing.  That might include proposals for solving a special issues, such as climate change or pesticide abuses.  Or it might take a more general approach to solving the ecological crisis in general.  Regardless, you might discuss what you consider to be the primary political, economic, and/or social obstacles standing in the way of a comprehensive resolution to the environmental problem or crisis.  For instance, you may want to address the types of structural changes, policies, and/or strategies that the environmental movement might pursue in order to overcome these obstacles.  You may want to focus on the need for campaign finance reform, or a new kind of chemicals policy.  Or, you might wish to address the implications of the globalization of capital on traditional tactics for achieving environmental protection.  You may want to focus on policy solutions to a particular problem, such as the export of E-waste or how to reform Superfund.  In other words, there is a great deal of freedom for you to focus on those solutions you find most compelling.  Whatever your focus, however, please be sure to analyze why the changes you propose are required, as well as why they might be effective. 


The final paper shall consist of eight pages (c.2000 words).  The paper must be typed, double-spaced! Be sure to also include a bibliography and/or footnotes page, and to cite your sources.