Extra Credit Assignment: Making Connections Project
Worth up to 10 points toward final gradeDue Sunday, April 24th, 2022
During this semester, we have covered physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development from adolescence through end of life. For this extra credit assignment, you are asked to develop a creative project that demonstrates the connections between development in adolescence and development in at least two other periods of the life span. What the project looks like is up to youbut it should address the following points:
How does development (physical, cognitive, social, or emotional) during adolescence informs, shapes, or contributes to how adults develop and function during later periods of life? Provide evidence from the textbook along with examples.
What micro, meso, or macro level environmental factors influence development the most during adolescence? Are these environmental factors also important for the development of individuals during later periods of life? In what ways?
How does adolescence differ from later periods of life? How would an older adult describe the adolescents of today?
Imagine if you had a time machine that you could use to travel back and forth in time. As an adolescent, what would you tell your middle adulthood self? Your late adulthood self? As an individual in late adulthood approaching end of life, what would you tell your early adulthood self? Your adolescent self?
This project is open in its form; however, you are required to obtain written approval from me prior to completing your project. Project proposals should be submitted via Blackboard no later than Sunday, April 17th. Although creativity would be the most important characteristic of this project, here are a few ideas to help you brainstorm:
Write your eulogy
Interview a person in late adulthood
Create a visual timeline spanning from adolescence to end of life
Write a brief autobiography as if you are an older age
Record a video for your younger self
Projects should be submitted on Blackboard by Sunday, April 24th at 11:59pm. Projects submitted after this due date will NOT be accepted.
Grade Breakdown
Assignment Requirements
Percentage of Grade
Points Awarded
Project addresses all four bullet points from the project description
Project is creative, unique, and original
Project appropriately integrates course content and demonstrates understanding of connections, similarities, and differences in development over the life span