
** When answering the questions, do NOT retype the question, instead put Q1, Q2, Q3 and so on next to your responses***

Please use the following PowerPoint and readings to help answer these discussion questions:

1.Imagine you were part of Camp Hope using the four measurement processes in reading 1 how would you use the four steps to increase the organization’s values and long-term success? Please be specific and provide examples/evidence

2.Looking at the model of change management measures what phase do you think Camp Hope is struggling on? Please be specific and provide examples/evidence
3.What do you think Dave Prince and the leadership team at Camp Hope can do in order to fix the situation caused by their methods the previous summer? In what ways can they improve their leadership skills? Please be specific and provide examples/evidence

4.Reflect on your own experiences. Share a time when you experienced a change that left you with many questions and concerns that were not taken into consideration. What did you do? How did you feel? Please be specific and provide examples/evidence

5. Refer to this weeks Clear Impact reading what are the 2 suggested ways to measure impact? For each way, devise and present a plan for Camp Hope via which the organization can measure short- (1 year), mid- (5 year), and long-term (10 years) impact. Please be specific and realistic.