S2 Executive Summary – Imagine your audience is educated but uninformed C-level execs who only have 5 minutes to listen to your presentation; what do you want them to know? Ok to give away the punchline and, also, avoid simply listing the slide topics – that will earn a zero. Work on this slide last after you’ve written the rest.
S3 Leader Background – Where /when did they come from? What was the environment? Set the scene.
S4 Key Players – Who molded / shaped/ influenced them and how? Not who is in their life today when they are a success (unless that person was there from the get go) but who either pushed them or rejected them? This could be family, teachers, coaches, bosses, etc.) For LeBron, his mom and his wife have been there with him from the start, and then you’d add high school coach, etc.
S5 Tipping Point – What was the critical point that took them from where they were to their first big step. W LeBron it was signing with the Cavs in 2003.
S6 Where is Leader Today? Part 1 – Business Deals/Leadership – How do they make their $?; here use logos when possible and whatever $ figures you can add; for LeBron it’d be the Lakers, Nike, Beats, Blaze Pizza, etc.) Differentiate between contracts vs. ownership.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/kurtbadenhausen/2018/11/20/how-lebron-james-built-a-net-worth-of-450-million/#375f1bdb6cfa (this article is great at showing the investments, so find something similar for your leader)
S7 Where is Leader Today? Part 2 – Philanthropy – Where do they give their money to/orgs they have founded or support? W LeBron his big one is the Promise School in Akron, but he gives to SO many different orgs; here use logos and any kind of $ figures you can find
S8 Obstacles and Controversies – What has this person done when they had to rebuild and/or lost support? For LeBron, it was The Decision. But he’s been smart to have not lost funds and lots of very successful people have lost their marriages, money, reputation, etc. and then have had to rebuild from scratch. Think Tiger Woods.
S9 – Areas of Opportunity – Pull your list of 2 leadership skills in the first assignment and see if your leader holds up to the 2 you wrote about that today’s post 2020 leaders require to be effective. How can this person rise further for our new world?
S10 – Final Thoughts – Your final assessment of this person as a 2020 leader. Also if in your research you found something surprising that you did not know about this person previously (favorable or unfavorable) you know now what is it?
Last Slides(s) Sources/Appendix – It doesn’t matter if it’s MLA or Chicago style or just a list of links.
English and Literature
Public health specialist script
Please write this in the format of a script, A two person dialogue. Act as a public health specialist and conduct a 2-3 min interview with another person that includes a dialogue pertaining to a Read more…