
Jessica's CaseRecommendationReport


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The board of directorsP R E S E N T E D T O

Aimy NguyenKarawandee SuttithanapornMafaaz FaridiTho Trieu Tina Najera


Table ofContents

The purpose Timeline

The Case Summary Action Plan

Issues Conclusion

Potential Solutions References

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The Purpose

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J E S S I C A ' S C A S E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N R E P O R T

The Case Summary" A C A S E O F M I S T R E A T M E N T A T W O R K ? "

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The Case study “A Case of Mistreatment At Work?” by Mary M. Meares and John G. Oetzel details aleadership communication problem at TechnoloComm. Jessica Martinez is a new hire underprobation working at the human resources department. She shares one office with Susan, Peter, andAlex. Jessica is a hardworking employee who is dedicated to her new job. Her initial impression of thecompany is positive and she looks forward to making a rewarding career there. However, she facesserious diversity issues as her two male counterparts bully her over her race.

Peter and Alex keep making hurtful and demeaning comments about Jessica's Hispanicbackground. She hates it and seeks advice from her peers in the company. Jennifer, her friend fromschool, recommends that she reports the matter to Tom, the human resources departmentmanager. However, this leader overlooks her complaints and instead praises the two men, sendingher away to complete her newsletter that should be out the following day. A frustrated and angryJessica returns to her desk and determines to ignore her two annoying teammates. Susan, whoobserves the mistreatment, tells them that they could be infuriating her. The two men who denytheir actions decide to ask Jessica how she feels about them. She denies it and confirms that she isOK with them. The teasing continues

Tom has been doing a follow-up on Jessica’s predicament. He is fully aware of her peers’ behaviorbut keeps covering them because the company believes that long-serving talent is irreplaceable.However, he labels her a non-team player despite confirming from Susan about her struggle workingwith Alex and Peter. He extends her probation by another three months during her evaluation, citingthis problem despite her excellent performance record. He does not create room for dialogue todiscuss the matter with her. His word is final. However, he has been dialoguing with her offendersbehind her back. He provides no solutions to the problem.

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The Organization’s Culture

The culture of the TechnoloComm company stood out as a significant issue associatedwith Jessica's case. According to Morcos, a company with a reputation for its position butfails to establish a strong organizational culture can affect its organization's teamwork(2018). As described in Jessica's case, the company's culture has been nurtured todiscourage employees from expressing their feelings and grievances freely. From the waythe company's culture was developed, when mistreatment was found, the victim could notdo anything much and had to bear with those actions since they had been told that everycompany is like that, and they could not do anything with it no matter how hard they try.We realized this through the conversation between Jessica and Jamal, who has beenworking with the company for many years, as he complained about how he has beenmistreated, but he could not do anything and had to keep it himself. Jamel also pointed outthat if Jessica tries to speak up, the situation will worsen, and she will be labeled as atroublemaker. The employee who voiced mistreatment to upper-level management oftenbeing ignored. Furthermore, the culture encourages those guilty of mistreatment tocontinue frustrating other employees. The company did not promote and give enoughsupport to diversity and mistreatment issues. It has taken too lightly the effects thatcultural hostilities in the workplace can have on their organizations. TechnoloComm needsto build a culture that fosters workplace diversity and inclusion to create a betterworkplace (Stanford, 2020).

Poor Communication and Ineffective Policies

In Jessica's case, there was the insensitivity by some of the employees, especially Alex andPeter, to Jessica's cultural background, which made her feel uncomfortable and beingdiscriminated against. Jessica was being harassed by them, who were oblivious of thediscomfort they were causing her. The problem worsens by the poor communicationstructures and ineffective policies governing the company's diversity. Luthra (2015) arguesthat one cannot model leadership without effective communication. This is because ithelps one monitor, guide, and inspire his team to meet the organization's goals. The misuseof words and communication between Jessica and the other two was not resolved in theright way. To Alex and Peter, those comments about Jessica were out of harmless, and itwas a strategy to include her in their group. In contrast, Jessica did not feel that way andwas often offended by those jokes.

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The problem lasts, and both parties have never communicated more openly about theirissues. When Alex and Peter tried to approach her, they did not take her seriously enoughto confront her in a more appropriate setting. Also, Jessica was too afraid to confront andtalk directly to Alex and Peter. Thus, the lack of communication between them worsens thesituation. Also, the poor communication structures within TechnoloComm from top to downwere found to be a problem. A company can have a strong vision, but with poorcommunication, it could fail to drive change (Murtadho, 2013). In addition, the harassmentof diversity that has been prolonged within the organization is caused by the lack ofcoherent policies that address issues related to workplace diversity. TechnoloComm wasnot thoughtfully structure policies that restrict individuals from using culture or diversity tomake other employees uncomfortable. Those actions seemed normal and lightly taken asthey were deeply ingrained as part of the organization's culture.

Lack of Efficient Leadership

Another problem that occurred can clearly be seen during Jessica’s performance appraisalreview when Jessica tried to talk about the problem between her and the other two workers(Alex and Peter) to Tom (the manager). Tom ignored the issue as minor and saw theproblem as unrelated to the job’s performance. He never gave Jessica a chance to explainher side, yet he assumed he understood the situation well and told her to focus on her workinstead. This created a distance between them since Jessica felt she lost the support evenfrom her boss, who seemed to be supportive at first, and she did not have anyone she couldrely on. Mindfulness in communication creates a positive relationship between a leader andhis subordinates because it creates follower satisfaction (Arendt, 2019). It entails having anon-judgmental view when making decisions. Tom lacks this trait. His view is biased andclosed-minded about Jessica’s concern because of the organization’s culture, which placesstrong team players above its values (Meares & Oetzel, n.d.). Jankelová & Joniakova (2021)also argue the importance of communication leadership skills. In their view, healthycommunication fosters healthy workplace relationships. It is unbiased and counterschallenges affecting employee satisfaction and performance. The lack of efficient leaderswhose leadership style should promote work engagement, encourage performance, andinventive work activities can negatively affect the company (Gemeda & Lee, 2020). Thecritical issue that arises the problem is that Tom adopted more task-oriented leadershipthan a relationship-oriented leadership style.

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Tom stresses a deep concern for production but low for people. While the company hiresself-driven talent, its culture destroys the work environment. This risks its performancethrough staff demotivation (Deressa & Zeru, 2019). An effective leader should exhibit abalance between the two and optimally integrate them based on the situation.

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Diversity and Team Training

Review the Employee Handbook andPolicies

Management Training

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Solutions and Training

Work relationship Respectful workplace environmentCommunication

On-site seminars given by HR bi-annuallyWe will be discussing on:

Reviewing the companies employeehandbook about the policies, procedures andconsequence.

Training sessions and team building activates

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Review the EmployeeHandbook andPolicies

Diversity Training

Team Bonding andCommunication

Management Training

Diversity, Equity, &Inclusion CalendarEvent

Review the handbook and polices. Re-read the handbook and see what arethe consequence if they are not followingthe policies. ( A day with all associatesand different day with all leaders,supervisors and managers) Price: Free

Diversity Training Management/ Associates. There will be a day that be all theassociates from the company. AnotherDay will be all leaders, and managers. Price: Free

Diversity and team training/ Bonding Activity games to build team membersand to get to know each other more.Every Friday for next three weeks. price: free

Monday and Tuesday – review the handbookone last time (Monday – associates,Tuesday- Manager / Supervisors ) Friday, Take the team out forcomplimentary dinner.

Team from this company will be training for amonth or two.

Week One:

Week Two

Weeks Three- Six:

Last week of training:


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Action Plan

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J E S S I C A ' S C A S E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N R E P O R T

No.1 Communication

Communication is central to managing different kinds of conflict in organizations.According to chapter 10, Listening to Out-Group Member, using these communicationmethods can lessen the angst of the conflict, help conflicting parties to reach a resolutionsooner, and strengthen relationships.

Differentiation: Differentiation requires that individuals explain and elaborate on theirown position, frequently focusing on their differences rather than their similarities. It isessential to work through a conflict.

Fractionation: breaking down large conflicts into smaller ones is helpful for individuals toreduce the emotional intensity of the dispute. It facilitates a better working relationshipbetween participants in the conflict.

Face Saving: interpersonal conflicts can be made less threatening if individualscommunicate in a way that preserves the self-image of the other. No. 2 Strategies For Working Positively With Members of Groups

Besides managing conflicts between Jessica and her counterparts, Tom should respond toJessica to pull closer members together. These bellowed strategies for how a leader shouldrespond to handle Jessica’s problem more effectively. According to chapter ten, Listeningto Out-Group Members, Tom should practice these concrete steps to bring benefits tomembers of the group.

Strategy 1: Listening to Out-Group MembersListening requires leaders to set aside their own biases to allow the group members toexpress their viewpoints freely. Listening requires paying attention to what people say, andit also requires being attentive to what people mean.

Strategy 2: Show Empathy to Out-Group MembersThe leader needs to show empathy to out-group members. Empathy is a special kind oflistening to that requires more effort than just listening. It is a skill anyone can learn toimprove their leadership skills.

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Action Plan

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The leader can demonstrate empathy through four communication techniques:1) Restatement2) Paraphrasing3) Reflection4) Support

Strategy 3: Recognize the Unique Contributions of Out-Group MembersA leader must identify the group members’ unique abilities and assets and integrate theseinto the group process to address these concerns.

Strategy 4: Help Out-Group Members Feel IncludedThe leader should be sensitive to the group member’s needs and cues.

Strategy 5: Create A Special Relationship With Out-Group MembersThe leader should try building high quality relationships with all the team members. Specialrelationships are that the team members feel validated and more connected to everyoneelse in the group.

Strategy 6: Give Out-group Members a Voice and Empower Them To ActGiving the group members a voice lets them be on equal footing with other groupmembers. Also, empowering others to act means the leader allows the group members tobe more involved, independent, and responsible for their actions.

Have the courage to do the right thingDon’t deceive, cheat, or steal.

No. 3 Leadership Ethics in Practice

In addition to communication and strategies for working positively, ethical leadership isessential for an effective leader. Chapter 12, Leadership Ethics in Practice, informs thatcharacter is an integral component of moral leadership. Character forms the centerpieceof a person’s values and is fundamental to ethical leadership. Ethical leadership involvesusing morally appropriate actions to achieve goals.

The Six Pillars of Character:1. Trustworthiness: The leader needs to build a good reputation.

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Action Plan

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Be considerate of othersUsing good manners

Be accountable for your choiceConsider the consequences

Play the rulesDon’t take advantage of others and blame others.

Be kind and compassionateForgive others

Get involvedRespect authority

2. Respect: The leader should treat everyone with respect.

3. Responsibility: Leaders should think before they act

4. Fairness: The leader needs to balance the standard of justice without relevance to one’sfeelings or indications.

5. Caring: the leader should help people in need.

6. Citizenship: the leader should share with the community and protect the environment

Determine the organization's current organizational environmentBe aware of the organization's missionMotivate and motivate employeesUnderstand and assign precise tasksBuild group activities and their cooperation

No. 4 Improving Organizational Climate

The leader needs to build an excellent organizational climate. Generally, the corporateenvironment is the working conditions of a firm. The article "4 Ways To ImproveOrganizational Climate" by Indeed Editorial Team states these steps for the leader to builda constructive climate for an organization.

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References4 Ways to Improve Organizational Climate. (n.d.). Indeed Career Guide.https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/improve-organizational-climate

Arendt, J. F., Verdorf, A, & Kugler K., G. (2019). Mindfulness and leadership: communication as a behavioral correlate of leader mindfulness and its effect onfollower satisfaction. Front Psychol.29(10), 667. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00667

Deressa, A. T., & Zeru, G. (2019). Work motivation and its effects on organizationalperformance: the case of nurses in Hawassa public and private hospitals: Mixed methodstudy approach. BMC research notes, 12(1), 213. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-019-4255-7

Gemeda, H. K., & Lee, J. (2020). Leadership styles, work engagement and outcomesamong information and communications technology professionals: A cross-nationalstudy. Heliyon, 6(4), e03699. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03699

Jankelová, N., & Joniaková, Z. (2021). Communication Skills and TransformationalLeadership Style of First-Line Nurse Managers in Relation to Job Satisfaction of Nursesand Moderators of This Relationship. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 9(3), 346.https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9030346

Luthra, A. (2015). Effective leadership is all about communicating effectively: connectingleadership and communication. ResearchGate.

Maldonado, G. (2022). Management Interview. personal.

Morcos, Michael. (2018). Organizational culture: definitions and trends. ResearchGate. Meares, M. M., & Oetzel, J. G. (n.d.). A Case of Mistreatment At Work?” Chapter 35

Murtadho, A. (2013). Communication problem, risk and leadership attributes duringtechnology change initiative on multinational energy company. European ScientificJournal, 9(29), 1857-7881.

Stanford F. C. (2020). The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the HealthcareWorkforce. Journal of the National Medical Association, 112(3), 247–249.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnma.2020.03.014

Tabira, G. (2022). HR interview. personal.


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