
Week 8 Discussion Post
Describe an experiment you would like to conduct. To do this, consider a topic of interest that you would like to explore. Keep your research interest simple by choosing two variables to explore about your topic.

Provide the following components of the experiment:

A brief description of your research. Include a description of the population you will study. Include the variables you are measuring and list the variables as the Independent and dependent variables of the experiment. List your null and research hypothesis. In one sentence list the statistical method you will use to measure the significant levels between the independent and dependent variables. One other sentence should be used to support why this statistic was chosen. Provide one statement that includes how you will know if the null hypothesis is rejected or failed to be rejected.

For your reply post, provide a critique of the research your peer proposed. Include supportive evidence that is in agreement or opposition to the components of your peers proposed research plan. Your reply should be well developed and include specific statistical language. Please see the following example of an initial post and reply:

Sample Initial Post

I am conducting my experiment on the negative impact depression has on the communication in a marriage. My independent variable is depression and my dependent variable is the negative impact on communication in the marriage. The research hypothesis is that depression has a significantly negative impact on the communication patterns in a marriage. The null hypothesis is that there is no statistically significant difference between depression and negative communication in a marriage. To test my hypothesis, I am using a paired t-test. A paired t-test is used when pre and post mean scores of one group sample are compared (reference here). If the statistical analysis is .05 or less, then the null hypothesis is rejected. If the statistical results are above .05, then the researcher fails to reject the null hypothesis.