OL 342 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
This milestone is designed to continue the critical analysis in Milestone One with a shift in lens to leadership and organizational culture. This short paper
assignment is the second milestone in the analysis of the company within your final project. It should begin with a brief description (one paragraph) to transition
the reader to the new analysis lens. The largest component of this short paper should focus on the leadership approach and any shifts through the course of the
case study example, including any aspects of the culture that influenced the organization. Lastly, the final aspect of the short paper is to connect the analysis into
insights and conclusions. This assignment will be submitted in the form of a 750-word minimum paper.
Prompt: Use the following case study to do your organizational analysis: The GM Culture Crisis: What Leaders Must Learn From This Culture Case Study.
After reading the case study, answer these questions:
III. Evaluate Leadership Theory
A. Describe a leadership style used in the case study and why there was a shift in leadership style throughout the case study.
B. Explain the characteristics and decisions of management in the case study that help explain the shift in leadership style.
C. Identify the internal and external influences on the organization that may have caused the shift in leadership style. Be sure to explain your
D. Describe the relationship between a leadership style used by the organization in the case study and the decision-making process.
IV. Assess Organizational Culture
A. Discuss the internal culture present within the organization. Be sure to utilize terms relative to organizational behavior.
B. Identify specific examples from the case study that demonstrate the internal culture present within the organization.
V. Insights and Conclusions
A. Explain why the leadership style(s) and internal culture of the organization complement each other or do not complement each other.
B. Explain whether or not the changes in leadership style or internal culture of the organization influenced each other.
C. Explain how the leadership styles and internal culture of the organization may have influenced the behavior of the employees within the
organization. You could consider providing specific instances or examples from within the case study to support your response.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Evaluate Leadership
Theory: Leadership
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of
leadership styles and why they
can change
Describes a leadership style used
in the case study and why there
was a shift in leadership style
throughout the case study
Describes a leadership style used
in the case study and why there
was a shift in leadership style
throughout the case study, but
explanation is cursory
Does not describe a leadership
style used in the case study and
why there was a shift in
leadership style throughout the
case study
Evaluate Leadership
Characteristics and
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into how the behaviors of
management in the case study
may have influenced the shift in
leadership style
Explain the characteristics and
decisions of management in the
case study that help explain the
shift in leadership style
Explain the characteristics and
decisions of management in the
case study that help explain the
shift in leadership style, but
explanation is cursory or
Does not explain the
characteristics and decisions of
management in the case study
that help explain the shift in
leadership style
Evaluate Leadership
Theory: Internal and
External Influences
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into how internal and
external influences on the
organization in the case study
may have influenced the shift in
leadership style
Explains the internal and
external influences on the
organization that may have
caused the shift in leadership
Explains the internal and
external influences on the
organization that may have
caused the shift in leadership
style, but explanation is cursory
or inappropriate
Does not explain the internal
and external influences on the
organization that may have
caused the shift in leadership
Evaluate Leadership
Theory: Relationship
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
makes cogent connections
between a leadership style used
in the case study and the
decision-making processes
Describes the relationship
between a leadership style used
in the case study and the
decision-making process
Describes the relationship
between a leadership style used
in the case study and the
decision-making process, but
explanation is cursory or
Does not describe the
relationship between a
leadership style used in the case
study and the decision-making
Culture: Internal
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
the discussion is an especially
comprehensive overview of the
internal culture of the
Discusses the internal culture
present within the organization
using terms relative to
organizational behavior
Discusses the internal culture
present within the organization
using terms relative to
organizational behavior, but
discussion is cursory or
Does not discuss the internal
culture present within the
organization using terms relative
to organizational behavior
Culture: Examples
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
identification demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
internal culture present within
the organization
Identifies specific examples from
the case study that demonstrate
the internal culture present
within the organization
Identifies examples from the
case study that demonstrate the
internal culture present within
the organization, but
identification is inappropriate
Does not identify examples from
the case study that demonstrate
the internal culture present
within the organization
Insights and
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of how
leadership styles and culture
complement each other
Explains why the leadership
style(s) and internal culture of
the organization complement
each other or do not
complement each other
Explains why the leadership
style(s) and internal culture of
the organization complement
each other or do not
complement each other, but
explanation is cursory or
Does not explain why the
leadership style(s) and internal
culture of the organization
complement each other or do
not complement each other
Insights and
Influenced Each
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
influence that leadership styles
and culture have on one another
within the organization
Explains whether or not the
changes in leadership style or
internal culture of the
organization influenced each
Explains whether or not the
changes in leadership style or
internal culture of the
organization influenced each
other, but explanation is cursory
Does not explain whether or not
the changes in leadership style
or internal culture of the
organization influenced each
Insights and
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation provides cogent
example for how employee
behavior was influenced by the
leadership styles and internal
culture of the organization
Explains how the leadership
styles and internal culture of the
organization may have
influenced the behavior of the
employees within the
Explains how the leadership
styles and internal culture of the
organization may have
influenced the behavior of the
employees within the
organization, but explanation is
cursory or inappropriate
Does not explain how the
leadership styles and internal
culture of the organization may
have influenced the behavior of
the employees within the
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%