
This link will take you to a Google Doc that each person in the class can view. Please review the list and choose the topic you want to investigate for the Research Article assignment. First-come, first-served. You’ll find two links per topic – one is a popular press article that is easy-reading and references an article from the Journal of Consumer Research (the flagship academic CB journal). The JCR article link is also provided. Simply click on each and read. If for some reason a link doesn’t work, try searching for the article through other means (e.g., TU library online). If that still doesn’t get your article, let me know – I may ask you to choose another topic.

In your one-page summary, emphasize the practical implications of the articles, key takeaways for consumers and/or businesses, and summarize the basic approach used and findings found in the JCR article (and try not to get lost in the weeds!). An example one-page writeup is posted on Harvey for your reference. Articles will be due according to their fit with the topics we’re covering at different points in the course. Once you post your writeup to the Discussion Forum, be ready to discuss at our next Live Online Session.

Material link:
Ryan Rahinel, Joseph P. Redden

Format and example are in the file box.
The summary should be one page just like the example. And I need a speech draft for presenting.