

Strategic Plan Assignment  2 pages of content minimum, + Title, Intro, Conclusion & Refs, just like all your assignments.

It is a written like a paper. You are allowed and should have about TWO pages of content. Double-spaced. With bold centered section headers: Introduction, [4 Topics from the Assignments Rubric, D_, F_, R_ & C_], Conclusion. There should be a title page and a page at the end for references. This time, do NOT go longer nor add topics. Although written as a paper, think of it as a guide youd share with your team. In written form.

1. Definition
2. Formulation
3. Responsibilities
4. Corporate vs. Business Unit Strategy


https://education.wiley.com/content/Dyer_Strategic_Management_3e/media/simulations/Animation/Dyer_SM1e_Animation_ch01_WhatIsStrategy.html  (once signed in search for What Is Strategy, then scroll down).