
-Sugar addiction is the most prevalent, widely practiced and legally accepted addiction in our society.
-Types of sugar.
-Sugar is in so many things that you can barely count even healthy things.
-Sugar is what most people consume on a daily basis.
-Why we are addicted to sugar? How can we stop the addiction?
-What does the sugar do to your immune system and what is the effects?
-How is the sugar harmful; weight gain, teeth decay and the main and deadliest disease cancer.
-Sugar is a silent disease you just never see it coming.
-Sugar taste so good and makes us happy when we eat it, but think of it before you take the first bite is it worth it?
-Some advices for a better health. You dont have to adopt this plan, any plan that concentrates on eating a well-balanced diet can help.

That was my thesis so if the essay could be based on that that would be perfect i would greatly appreciate that.