Minimum of 250 words in the body Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts
Content must include:
Summary of the author’s Main Thread – no less than 125 words What you agreed with, did not agree with and why – no less than 125 words
The purpose of this paper is to explore the power of business integrity that is defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change” (Robinsonn, 2018, p. 30). God’s perspective on business integrity follows with how man should conduct himself in business with Godly integrity and results when integrity is lacking. Finally, current selected decision models with reasons why follow and conclude with how decision models have changed and why.
The Power of Business Integrity
Integrity, which is described as “the compassionate and receptive work of making the self whole and enduringly happy through critically and assiduously separating who we truly are form the false ego, is at the core of sound business, but many employees perceive it to be in short supply (Koehn, 2005). Especially in an age of alternative facts and social media, integrity protection is as important as it ever has been (Robinsonn, 2018). Integrity begins with the role of each individual in the organization no matter the job description or power level with a willingness to hold each other accountable and greater transparency so less confusion and dishonesty grow (Robinsonn, 2018). The value of integrity in business is that it leads to avoiding short-term thinking and acting, it maintains healthy relations with all stakeholders, selling occurs more efficiently because it is more genuine, it gives one courage to avoid unwise proposed courses of action and ill-considered suggestions, it invites diverse perspectives needed to make product decisions, and it preserves energy for important things such as creativity (Koehn, 2005). Obviously, when it comes to integrity, actions such as treating everyone with respect and exerting the time and effort to maintain trust with employees, partners, and shareholders speaks louder than words and success is not true without integrity, which is the mark of true leadership (Robinsonn, 2018).
God’s Perspective on Business Integrity
All that God made is good, He finds it beautiful, and sees Himself in it, including the work He commissioned man to follow Him in doing in the Garden, which was to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it (Genesis 1:28, 31, NIV; Keller, 2012). This business gifted to man by God only works properly if conducted in congruence with God’s commandments, and any other purpose creates an idol that rivals God (Keller, 2012). Integrity is revealed in respect for the dignity of all work as an act of creating that originates from the same Source (Keller, 2012). In the work of ruling and subduing, man is to have integrity in the stewardship of caring for everything that God owns without using, exploiting, or discarding God’s resources (Keller, 2012). Man is also to have integrity in conducting his work because it is service to both God and neighbor, and obedience to the greatest commandments to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, love your neighbor as yourself (Keller, 2012; Luke 10:27).
A lack of integrity occurs in business although God is still sustaining the world, the world is in disarray because of sin (Keller, 2010). Because of sinful compromise of integrity, all of the strategy development, planning, striving for advantage, or developing culture can be fruitless and corrupted, which should be expected, and causes mistrust, fear, anger, and friction to invade relationships (Keller, 2012). Keller also alludes to all of the striving to gain competitive advantage to attain success can become pointless because there will be an end to all things; however, in the meantime, those who maintain business integrity will serve their neighbors and provide meaningful work for its employees to engage creativity, reflect diversity, and grow and give back to its community (Keller, 2012; Van Duzer, 2010). Selfishness is another symptom of integrity breakdown, and it shows itself as pride, arrogance, and lawlessness among corporations as the business granted by God is distorted from its purpose (Keller, 2012). Finally, breaching business ethics such as faulty oversight, unduly pressuring managers, or creating a culture of profitability and performance above ethical behavior fails to exemplify corporate socially responsible behavior among employees, local communities, the environment, and society at large and reveals evidence of an underlying idol, which spells trouble whether it is a family, country, or business (Gamble, Peteraf, & Thompson, 2019; Keller, 2012).
Decision Model
One of the most applicable decision models to assess integrity is the Johari Window. Johari window A, which is what we know about ourselves and choose to reveal to others is like our public face and perhaps is not as much how we see ourselves, but how we would like to see ourselves as described by the UFFE ELB/EK Model (Krogerus & Tschappeler, 2017). Quadrant B, the hidden quadrant, where we hide what we know about ourselves can be an integrity compromising home to one’s flaws, which accountability through revelation could help to overcome (Krogerus & Tschappeler, 2017). Quadrant C that is what others know about us that we do not know about ourselves may provide one of the biggest opportunities for growth from the feedback we receive about others perceptions of our integrity (Krogerus & Tschappeler, 2017). Finally, quadrant D, aspects of ourselves hidden from ourselves and others is a category for the one who made the delicate, inner parts of the body and knit them together in the mother’s womb (Krogerus & Tschappeler, 2017; Psalm 139:13). Despite what we think we know of our integrity or what others know or we think they know, only the Lord searches all hearts and examines secret motives (Jeremiah 17:10, NLT).
One of the most dramatic shifts over this course in how the author’s decision models have changed is a shift from only viewing self or organizational strengths or weakness, the apparent competitive advantage compared to others, or analyzing others for comparative disadvantage; but growing to anticipate and visualize how rivals see the organization and what their likely action or reaction will be based on the perceived view of the organization.
The power of business integrity is that is spans the organization, provides accountability, considers the long-term consequences, avoids the unwise, values diversity, promotes creativity, respects all, maintains trust, measures success, and marks true leadership (Koehn 2005, Robinsonn, 2018). God’s perspective on integrity in business is that His created, as image bearers, should reveal the essence of the Creator in their stewardship of His belongings without perverting integrity through pointlessness, meaninglessness, selfishness, and idolatry (Keller, 2012, Van Duzer, 2010). Finally, the Johari Window provides the best model to assess integrity from overcoming compromises through accountability to growing through feedback, and maintaining the awe of the unknown (Krogerus & Tschappeler, 2017).