
In this assignment, you will find and describe three potential sources for your Textual Analysis paper (not including your literary text).


Find three peer-reviewed, scholarly articles, that you could use to advance your analysis.
You can access scholarly articles through EagleSearch.
Try to find articles that are doing a textual analysis themselves.
I would avoid analyses of your chosen literary text; look instead for articles that are interested in similar concepts.
This will allow you to recontextualize their interpretations for your literary text.
If you have questions about the validity/usefulness of a source, e-mail me.
Create an APA or MLA (Links to an external site.) citation for each of your three possible sources.
Below each citation, write a single-spaced paragraph (of approximately 2-3 sentences) that performs the following:
Paraphrases the authors argument or main point, along with necessary evidence or sub-claims.
Explains how you will use a key claim or concept from this source to further your analysis.


Each entry will be worth six points, and you will earn 0, 1, or 2 points based on your performance of these criteria:
perfect MLA or APA entry (including the hanging indent and all appropriate formatting)
paraphrases the authors main argument and necessary sub-points
explains how you will use a key claim/concept in your paper.
Correctly alphabetizing your bibliography will be worth two points.

The sources have to be peer reviewed