
Topic 3: Your Choice
Write an essay in which you turn in toward the text using the tools of new criticism: imagery, symbolism, simile and metaphor, denotation and connotation; and/or turn in toward the text using the tools of deconstruction: repetition and opposition; And/or turn out toward the text using the lens of gender studies psychological theory, historicism, or new historicism.

You may use a combination of any of the literary strategies presented in your textbook to support your thesis.  Make sure that your essay has all of the components of a strong argument: a claim, reasons, and supporting evidence.
Each topic choice requires the use of at least three sources to further develop the ideas in the paper.
Be sure to answer the “so what?” question in your paper. In other words, you need to explain why your analysis matters. Why is this analysis important for the reader to note? Instead of simply reporting what happens in the text, in your analysis, you should focus on why it happens.

Grading Guidelines
You will earn a grade for completing the assignment, and for following instructions.
The paper calls for you to derive a sufficient thesis and to support that thesis with an essay.
Please include the paper in one file and the journals for Invisible Man in a separate file.
Your paper should include a clear thesis and several supporting paragraphs with clear topic sentences, details, and examples to support your ideas–approximately 8-10 pages long.
These topics require a formal Works Cited page and formal in-text citations throughout.
A minimum of 3 sources is required on the Works Cited page.
Papers should display a clear understanding of purpose, audience, and tone.
Papers should include relevant quotation and paraphrase from readings which relate to your topic, and these readings should be listed on your Works Cited page.
Papers will be evaluated on the quality of the thesis, supporting points, proper integration of relevant, sufficient and reliable textual support and on the quality of your written expression, including correctness in format, and following the writing prompt.
Your paper should include a creative, appropriate, and relevant title that gives your reader insight on the topic of your paper.
The body of your paper should include relevant arguments, possible counter-arguments, and refutations in support of support your thesis in order to deepen your analysis, if necessary.
Your conclusion should be well-developed.
The paper should be word-processed or typed. For additional guidelines, please consult your textbooks and/or MLA style manual.
When determining the length of a paper, an author should decide on the length of a piece by analyzing the audience of the piece. In other words, how much information does your audience need to be convinced of your argument? An author should write as much as needed to convince the audience that the thesis is valid and should omit details that the audience would find obvious or irrelevant. That may require six pages or that may require ten. It’s not about the length so much, but rather about the evidence a writer provides. Your papers for this class will generally be between 8-10 pages in MLA format depending on your audience, purpose, and topic.