
digital media

in the attached file, there are 7 points givenbut only points 4,5,6 is to be doneand the business that is chosen is a beauty company (name: trust me, not a real company)we provide all kinds of services: manicure, pedicure,nails, tattoo, haircut for both men and women.In addition, we have free Read more…


Prepare a 2-page typewritten paper (size 12 font) using Google Docs which will include the following three parts: Part 1    Your BEST shopping experience! Where? When? With Whom? Why? Part 2    Your WORST shopping experience! Where? When? With Whom? Why? Part 3    Your ANALYSIS: Why did you Read more…

how to select a business model

How to select a business model Read these 2 articles and answer the question above, WITH SIMPLE GRAMMAR https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/19/opinion/sunday/why-waiting-in-line-is-torture.html https://www.dosdoce.com/upload/ficheros/noticias/201504/new_business_models_in_the_digital_age__bookmachine_special_edition.pdf

Marketing Essay Question

Pick one of the listed companies and answer related questions from a marketing prospective Using the 5 Cs, 4Ps, and STP, complete the assessment questions below. Company/Brand Selected (Mini Cooper, Samsung, Dairy Queen, or Axe):(Pick only one)NOTE: You will be completing an original analysis. 1. CustomersWho are the current customers/users? Read more…

Case Study: Bone Screw

Read the file attached here called “Information about Case Study”. Then First, make three short paragraphs to complete the parts under “Deliverables” and highlighted in red using the same scenario I made in 1,2,3,7,8,9: ——————————————————————–Those are the Deliverables parts I need you to complete: 4. Bone screws of similar design Read more…

Consumers experience different forms of problem recognition. Explain each type of problem recognition and give an example of a purchase for each type.

This essay needs to be based on the following textbook: Advertising and Promotion –An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective 11th Edition, 2018 Standard Essay Format: introduction/body/conclusion. Writing assignment should use proper grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and provide references/citations. I would need you to reference at least some of the book for Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

InstructionsWhile there are many theories about leadership, at the end of the day, leadership is about people and they ways in which they interact, decide and motivate. One way to prepare to be a better leader is to understand the role of the followers, because there is no leadership without Read more…