
Ethical Theories & Philosophers

The Week 6 Final Paper is the culmination of all of the ethical theories and philosophers we have studied in PHIL200 and is an extension of the Week 3 Paper Proposal Assignment. The paper should be between 1500 – 2000 words, submitted as an attachment as an MS Word or Read more…

Problem Solving

When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step to problem solving process to a specific problem scenario. You will write a paper that presents a synthesis of your ideas about solving the problem using this systematic approach. As Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a 2-3 page paper (double-spaced, standard borders and font, not including title or works cited) on one of the following topics. Please read the topics carefully and consider your own view. The questions in each topic provided are meant to prompt your own thinking. Do not answer the questions Read more…

chinese Philosophy

1. What is your interest in Chinese Philosophy? If you dont have one, what do you hope  to get out of this class? 2. How can learning Chinese philosophy help us live our lives today? There are some general suggestions in Chapters 1 and 2 of The Path, but I Read more…

ethic/ social responsibilities

500-word MAX Consequences: find an example from the past 5 years of a business, or business executive, who was caught doing something described as unethical or socially irresponsible. Choose a situation we have NOT discussed already in class. Write an essay that includes the following: what happened; why was it Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this first stage of your Final Project assignment, (a) choose a question that appears as a discussion question (listed below, with some exceptions). You may choose one that you have previously begun to answer in the discussion forums, or one that you have yet to consider, then (b) explain Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of the following:1.) Write an essay evaluating the quote: Happiness is an Accomplishment. Inwhat ways can happiness be an accomplishment? Whose happiness? Whoseaccomplishment? In what ways might happiness not be an accomplishment,but rather a product of luck or some other thing we might not consider to havebeen accomplished? Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Ethics Exam #1 Case Study          Case 15    http://ethics.iit.edu/eb/2001EBCases.pdf                                                        CASES – Center for the Study of Ethics in the Read more…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Define the term philosophy? 2. List 5 Pre Socratic Philosophers? 3. Considering the reflections of the Pre-Socratics, What do you believe from a metaphysical/cosmological perspective is the source of all things? 4. What significance to philosophy does the question mark have? 5. List 10 facts about Socrates? 6. Explain Read more…